Suzanne Stewart
Staff Writer
Students are no strangers to fund-raising. From the time they enter kindergarten, they begin selling items and chances to raise money for class trips, sports and clubs.
The Pocahontas County Archery Team knows all too well what it is like to fundraise for trips. Last year, the middle school team traveled to the world competition in South Carolina.
This year, the team held a special fundraising event to help another archery team. Elkview Middle School lost all of its archery equipment in the June flood and was nearly forced to forfeit the season.
That is, until other archery teams in the state lent a hand.
“They were caught in the flood and all of their equipment got damaged, so they had to buy all new targets, all new arrows and some of their bows,” Marlinton Middle School student Macaden Taylor said.
When coaches Jody and Becky Spencer told the team about Elkview’s loss, the students rallied to raise $500 for the team.
“It feels good because if we wouldn’t have helped them – and I’m sure other people helped them – then they wouldn’t have a chance to do archery this year,” Taylor said. “It’s really fun to do, and every kid should have the option to do it if they can.”
Suzanne Stewart may be contacted at sastewart@pocahontastimes.com