Tim Walker
AMR Reporter
At the March 29 Pocahontas County Solid Waste Authority meeting, it was announced that just a few days earlier, thieves stole the exit gate from the Marlinton Green Box site, forcing the authority to remove the recycling trailers from that site because they cannot be protected from being stolen or vandalized without a gate.
It was mentioned that there have been numerous thefts of parts off those trailers over the years, including wheels, tires and hitches. One member stated at the meeting that no effort has been made to enforce the laws regarding these thefts. This collaborates what one employee told us awhile back that at least some of the people responsible for some of these thefts are known, but no action has been taken to charge them with any of the thefts.
It was previously reported, late last year, that thieves had broken open and damaged the gate at the Caesar Mountain Green Box site and stole one of the recycling trailers, valued at over $5,000. Since that happened, all recycling trailers at that site have been removed since there was no way to lock the damaged gate. Even now, there is no recycling at Caesar Mountain since the gate remains unsecured.
It was suggested by one member, and endorsed by several other members, that the Solid Waste Authority remove the recycling trailers from all of the green box sites, and simply provide a set of recycling trailers at the landfill for use of anyone in the county who wishes to recycle. No decision was made about this because the authority has to get approval from the DEP REAP Grant authorities in order to do that, but they will discuss this with them.
Regarding the possible purchase of the current landfill, this item had been discussed in closed Executive Sessions at several regular and special Solid Waste Authority meetings without any decision being reached. It was understood that there had been an offer made by the owner of the landfill, and a counter offer made by the authority.
At the March 22 Solid Waste Authority special meeting, after another lengthy closed session, the members came back into regular session and took action on this. Member Jamie Walker moved that, with the changes to the deed discussed with the SWA’s attorney, the SWA will offer the original price for the purchase of $3,200 per acre for the 42.18-acre property, minus two lease payments totaling $18,000, leaving a total of $116,976 to be paid. A decision is required from the sellers by April 7, 2023. David McLaughlin seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1 with David Henderson voting against it. When we learn if this offer is acceptable to the seller, we will inform you.
The first item on the agenda for the March 29 regular meeting was a public hearing about the green box fees. No members of the public offered any comments; however, members of the public still had 10 days from that meeting to send in written comments.
In other matters at the March 29 regular meeting, the authority:
• approved its financial statement; Purchasing Card statement; and payment of monthly bills.
• agreed to apply for the maximum $25,000 from the Solid Waste Board Grant. This will be used to pay for electricity and telephone expenses. The authority is usually only awarded $12,000 to $15,000 through this grant.
• was informed by the Podesta Company, who samples and inspects ground water wells, that they need to replace all four well pumps which collect the samples. They voted to purchase four plastic pumps at a total cost of $824.
• went into an executive session to discuss personnel salaries.
Why don’t you provide 4 new boxes for recycling paint 2 blue for plastic and 2 tan or brown for cardboard