WVU Extension offers free, online nutrition classes
Struggling to keep up with those New Year’s resolutions?
The WVU Extension Service Family Nutrition Program offers free online Eating Smart, Being Active classes to help West Virginians prepare healthy meals for their families, save money at the grocery store and incorporate more physical activity into their daily routines.
This six-week course is aimed at low-income families with children in the home and is based on the most current dietary guidelines. Weekly classes will be taught by the Family Nutrition Program nutrition outreach instructors across the state. Participants will be able to interact with other students, ask questions of their instructors and participate in physical activity challenges.
Upon completion, participants will receive an Eating Smart, Being Active cookbook, a graduation certificate and a goodie bag of WVU-branded kitchen tools.
Sign up for the free Eating Smart, Being Active class: wvu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3g6YHffQduyTDi5
WVU Extension Service Family Nutrition Program’s work is supported by the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.