The Rural Health Clinic at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital announces the addition of Dr. Christopher Lamps, MD, FAACAP, to its medical staff.
Dr. Lamps currently has a successful psychiatry practice, in its 10th year of operation, in Richmond, Virginia.
Prior to establishing his own practice, Dr. Lamps worked as a Resident in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, Arkansas. He received his Medical Degree from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1995.
Dr. Lamps will be providing psychiatric services once a month to children, teens and young adults at PMH.
“Psychiatry is a specialized service that is not always available in every community,” said RHC director of primary care Robin Taylor. “Finding a psychiatrist that specializes in child and young adult services in a rural area is a privilege, and we are honored that Dr. Lamps is joining our team.”
Dr. Lamps enjoys adaptive sports, including tennis, biking and skiing. He actually first came to Pocahontas County to learn how to mono-ski at Snowshoe Mountain. It was through a trip to Snowshoe that Dr. Lamps first encountered Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. A small accident found Lamps bringing one of his children’s friends to the emergency department at PMH and striking up a conversation with the medical staff about psychiatry needs.
“This is a long time in the making,” Dr. Lamps said, smiling.
“I am excited to have a chance to get more connected with the community here in Pocahontas County and get involved in rural healthcare again. After my last visit to PMH, I was just filled with gratitude for this entire opportunity – for how friendly the people are and how beautiful the scenery is around Marlinton.”
To make an appointment with Dr. Lamps for psychiatry services, or with any of our other regular healthcare providers, call 304-799-6200.
Registration for the clinic is at the front desk of the hospital.