Thursday, June 18, 1914
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dennsion, of Denmar, and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Matthews, of Evansville, Indiana, have returned to Denmar from a tour in the east in a new Hudson “Six’ recently purchased by Mr. Dennison. They were accompanied home by Miss Margueite Dennison, who has been in school in Philadelphia, and Vance Dennison, as student of a Mercersburg Pa. school.
In the face of the wails of the stand patters last season, one staunch Democrat showed the faith that was in him by refusing to sell his wool for 22 cents, under a protective tariff preferring to take chances under free trade. He kept his wool over, and is now being pestered by wool buyers, wanting him to sell at 26 cents and better.
Judge Moss made a speech in Congress the other day in which he said that farmers in West Virginia were suffering from hard times. If any farmer is suffering in this State it is from circumstances over which he has no control, such as the sun, wind and rain. They certainly can sell anything they raise at the highest prices.
We read that General Sheridan made a great ride at Winchester and turned the tide of battle. T. B. Read was the poet responsible for the glory being given to Sheridan and now-a-days nobody will accept any other version than the history of the poet:
“Striking his spurs with a terrible oath,
He dashed down the line ‘mid a storm of applause,
And the wave of retreat checked its course there because
The sight of the master compelled it to pause.”
As a matter of fact, the retreat had been checked, the lines reformed, and the tide of battle turned by General Wright before General Sheridan arrived on the scene of action. But the pen is mightier than the sword.
Editor Times:
I picked up some buffalo horns, and thought you would appreciate them more than anyone else, so I will send them to you. The horns are the only ones I have seen here that have not been burned by prairie fires. The skull I took them from was thirteen inches at the base of the horns, if you should want to mount them. In the same package I am sending you some rocks from the hills around here which are evidently of volcanic origin. The hills are covered with these rocks on top and over them where the rocks have been blown out.
I like this country fine. Crops look well. I have 100 acres out in crops and 10 more to plow. All in oats, wheat and flax. I hope everybody in Marlinton is getting along fine.
Charley Apperson says he has two big buffalo horns, skulls and all which he is going to send you. He left today for the horse round up, which starts tomorrow. When he left, his horse was shaking everything that was loose about the saddle, the rider included.
Ned Hymes
Robert Fertig, of Greenbrier County, has been visiting his mother here. He was accompanied by his son, Perle. While here he lost his horse by it getting its leg broke and they had to kill it.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Fertig took a load of wool to Cloverlick Saturday.
Mrs. Mary Fertig fell from the stairway and fractured her leg at the hip, a very serious injury.
The young people of the Hills expect to hold a festival sometime in July for the benefit of the church.
Marshall Fuller left this week for the wheat fields of Kansas.
Quite a few of our boys are trying their horses on the race track this week.
A number of people have been trying to rent homes here for the winter.
In marked contrast to conditions two months ago, we are having hot, dry weather.
Mrs. Samuel Hannah was taken to the Elkins Hospital to be treated for appendicitis.
James Gibson, with a force of men, is working on the road.
Bark peeling is in full blast at the lumber camps.
Meadows will be short because of dry weather.
As to the coming campaign, we are not a Corinthian column in the flimsy fabric of politics, and since man’s evolution from an ape, gibbering in the tree tops are not inclined to imitate or follow where others lead.
Hoeing and plowing corn is the order of the day.
We had a good shower of rain Thursday night which did much good. Assessor Oliver was in this section last week listing property.
Five cases of measles in W. B. Freeman’s family, but we are glad to say they are all getting better.
W. A. Barkley has had five swarms of bees from two hives.
Born to Lee Wilmoth and wife, June 8, a daughter.
There is a fine crop of sarvises and they are beginning to get ripe.
John H. Beverage and wife were guests at Charles Spencer’s Sunday.
Miss Edith Wilmoth is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Leva Kerr.
William Varner and wife were visiting at Lewis Simmons’ Sunday.
Samuel Spencer and Marvin Wilfong had a log rolling last Tuesday.
A few of the people in this neighborhood did some good work on the road on good roads days, but more could have been done if others had helped.
Mrs. Ruth Sharp saw a rattlesnake last Monday and says she wouldn’t have been cared any worse if it had bit her.