Journey traveled
with Dr. Soriano
Journey traveled over the many years
Forty-two years have passed.
Respect for your knowledge and still
Respect for your caring heart.
We worked together from the beginning.
Journey traveled over the many years.
Side by side, in caring for others.
Heart attack – you’ve saved many lives.
Deliveries – I’ve been there and can truly say, “No better O.B. doctor.”
Emergencies – minor and major.
You cared for many, back when doctors worked 24-7.
You have been my physician over all these years.
I was reassured because you were there for my family.
Respect and love for the aged residents.
We worked together as a team at the “old hospital” and at the present PMH as well as at the nursing home.
You were my boss when I worked in your office.
There was never a harsh word or a raised voice.
Mutual respect.
You have been a friend
A helping hand in times of need
Understanding and caring.
Thank you, Dr. Soriano.
You deserve to retire, yet many will miss you.
I will always remember you and all you have done for our community.
Gerry Parker Morrison