Thursday, August 8, 1918
Loman Bennett, the modern nimrod of Laurel Creek, has killed two of the largest bears that ever roamed those woods. One caught last week weighed over 400 pounds and was so old that his teeth were worn off and his hair was turning gray.
By his unusual large track, this bear has been known to the old hunters of that vicinity for years, but on account of experience he was able to evade the most vigilant hunter until this genius Loman Bennett put it over him. He has been rewarded a number of fine sheep from the rangers in that section for his work.
The other day a bare-footed boy at Violet was using a log to cut kindling wood on. A snake under the log reached out and bit the boy on his foot between the toes. He ran to the house and told his mother that he thought that a snake had bitten him. She went to the log and turned it over and found that red headed horror called the copperhead lying there, which she killed. Then with great wisdom she bound a cord around the boy’s leg so tightly that it disappeared under the skin, and used other remedies that came to her mind, and no doubt saved the child’s life, as it was a long distance to a doctor. The little fellow was carefully nursed and tended to, and the last account we had of him was that he was lying on a pallet on the floor and beginning to take interest in life again, as well as he could for his foot was swelled up as tight as a drum.
In the American Magazine, Bruce Barton says, in talking about his old home town;
“Rousseau once remarked that he had never lived in Paris, except for one definite reason – to get money enough to live somewhere else. There are times when I have had a similar feeling toward New York. Times when the stress and strain and fretting of the job grew wearisome; when my cylinders all are full of carbon, and my valves give forth a leaky sound; when the white lights are only an impertinence, and the noise of motormen tramping on their bells is madness in my ears.
“When that time comes, as every spring it does, I go home, and, speaking with my wife privately, I say; ‘My dear, why linger we longer in a world like this? We are but strangers here at best; Foxboro is our home.’
“And we fill up the cold coffee bottle and place the ham sandwich in the bag, nestling it tenderly beside the fishing tackle, and hie us to a land that is better and purer and sweeter; where the straight and narrow way takes the place of the way called Broad, and there is no white light but the evening star.”
A captain was recently relating experiences and telling of letters he received from wives of his men. One letter ran something like this; “Dear Captain; I hope you will keep Jim in the army. I am getting along better than for a long time. I earn my own money and spend it and his, too. He used to spend mine and didn’t earn any of his own. So, don’t let him come home.”
Sunday afternoon Page Malcomb went over the road with his automobile above the bridge at Huntersville. The machine caught on a tree. He suffered three broken ribs and other injuries and little Robert McComb, seven year old son of Beckley McComb, had his arm terribly mashed. The little boy is at the Marlinton Hospital and Dr. Solter has hopes of saving his arm.
Monday, August 5th – heat 106 degrees in the shade.
The Flag Raising August 3rd was a big gala day and there were more people in the old historic town of Greenbank than has been for twenty years… At 5 o’clock the flag of the red, white and blue was raised to the breeze and is now waving over the old historic town in its beauty. Long may it wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave. Our minds go out to the soldier boys of Greenbank and to all our grand old Pocahontas County boys who are in the training camps overseas fighting for freedom. May our prayers be ever ascending to the great God for their protection in camp and battle – wherever they are, under the stars and stripes of our great nation…
Laurel Creek
A.S. Galford and Page White went to Yelk a few days ago on business.
Hay harvest is the order of the day; meadows are medium; oats and potatoes are a good crop and buckwheat is looking fine.
Henry McNeill, son of Luther McNeill, of Campbelltown, cut his foot very badly recently on a bar of a mowing machine, while helping Loyd VanReenan in the harvest.
Frank Jordon and family are visiting his mother Mrs. Frank Dilley at Dilleys Mill.
U. S. Gilmore has gone to Elk where he has a job of cutting logs for the W. Va. Spruce Lumber Co.
Charles Lee Wooddell and Miss Stella L. Beverage were married in Cumberland last week. We extend congratulations.
Mrs. Bina and Vanda Wilmoth were visiting at Sam Spencer’s Thursday.
Howard Phillips and Willard Taylor have been helping John H. Beverage make hay.
Charlie Spencer caught a large hoot owl the other night, that had been feasting on his chickens.
George Wilmoth and Uncle Jim Spencer have been cutting brush off the pike.
Charles S. Wooddell made a trip to Franklin to the carding machine some time ago.