Historical Sketches of Pocahontas County – 1901
By William T. Price
Natural Features and Social Customs
In one part of the world whence our ancestors came, climate impresses the idea that manly vigor, silent endurance, public spirit and domestic virtues illustrated an important feature of the destiny or mission humanity has to fulfill on earth.
In another part of the world whence many Americans trace their ancestry, the genial skies, balmy breezes and flowery vales illustrate or impress the idea that another phase of human nature, the passive, the meditative and reflectively sentimental that prompts people to look upward and outward to something not themselves. Thus time is had to inquire whether something could be understood of true significance of the mystery we speak of as life on earth.
The lines have fallen to us in places highly conducive to the development of both phases of human character, and if this article would so impress the readers, they would greatly conduce to the contentment and stimulate to making the best of available opportunities to acquire active, energetic, resolute and acquisitive habits of living, along with due attention to whatever promotes meditative patient, seriously thoughtful views of matters pertaining to the higher needs of intellect and spirit. This places within our reach the possibility of presenting to the world noble examples of all around humanity with sound bodies and sound minds.
So far as now known Thomas Galford, Senior, was the original ancestor of the Pocahontas Galfords. It is believed he came from the Middle Valley and was of Scotch descent. Thomas Galford lived on the place now held by F. Patterson and Charles Nottingham on Glade Hill, and it is the opinion of most persons that he came there just previous to the Revolution…
Thomas Galford married Naomi Slaven, an aunt of Newlen Slaven, late of Meadow Dale, and they were the parents of two sons, John and Thomas, Junior, and a daughter, Elizabeth…
John Galford married Frederika Hillery and lived at Huntersville where he conducted a flourishing tannery. Two sons and one daughter, Harrison, George and Mary, who is now Mary V. Rodgers, near Buckeye, are their children.
John Galford’s second marriage was with Mary Simmons, daughter of the late Nicholas Simmons. Hampton and Lydia, now Mrs. Lee Overholt, are her children.
Thomas Galford, Junior, married Margaret Curry, on Back Mountain. Their children John, Brown, Naomi, Abigal, now Mrs. L. A. Hefner, on Swago…
Thomas Galford, Junior, was a very pronounced Confederate sympathizer, and as such he was regarded as a dangerous citizen to be at large in war times. In discharging what they deemed to be their duty, he was arrested by a detachment of Union soldiers, under the command of the late Captain Nelson Pray, and sent to Camp Chase, where he died during the war.