Thursday, January 22, 1914
We will give you a few jottings to let you know that we have not frozen to death, although the weather has been quite cold for the past ten days and is getting no better fast. We have about 12 inches of snow, and the thermometer registered five miles below Durbin two days of last week.
The mill at this place is cutting about 50,000 feet of lumber per day.
The dance at Elmer McComb’s was a nice social affair until some of the boys got too much boot jack liquor and got noisy, but no battle was fought.
Well, Mr. Editor, news is scarce and we will ring off at this time. If it rains next week we will tell you about it.
20 degrees below, the coldest weather we have had. Stock is wintering well.
Austin Sharp and family are visiting at J. A. Shrader’s.
Luther Hively is preparing to move into his new house which he purchased from Clifton Sharp.
Albert Perry has a very sick horse.
We have been having old time winter for some time.
James D. Kerr and P. M. Yeager have been catching foxes and wild cats.
Glen Spencer is the champion hunter of this section, having caught three opossums and two skunks. The skunks are living.
W. B. Freeman, who has been quite sick for some time, has gotten better and is at the Harrisonburg horse market this week.
William Wimer and W. D. Barkley are tanning mule hides and making a round trip with the mail from Monterey to Bartow almost every day.
Howard Phillips and William Varner are having lots of fun hauling lumber from Hoover’s mill to the pike. The funny part is riding back on the sled.
The Top of Alleghany Literary Society had an interesting meeting last Friday night.
Logging and fox chasing are the order of the day.
W. R. Hamrick and son, Dewey, have killed two red foxes since the New Year.
E. H. Landis is not improving much.
Some sickness around, but no serious cases.
Some fine winter weather at present.
Last week was the coldest weather we have had for a time, registering about 6 degrees below zero.
Roy Shears has been hauling tan bark to Durbin while it was good sledding.
James Wilfong is feeding a lot of cattle for Uriah Hevener.
Mack Kerr killed a very large hog which he sold to John Hollen, receiving 12 ½ cents per pound.
A number of the young people of Arbovale and vicinity were out for a sled ride, going to Boyer by way of Pine Grove and returning by Arbovale.
We have been having fine winter weather in this section the past two weeks.
Charles McComb and J. J. Ramsey are skidding for the Watoga Lumber Company.
Rev. H. Underwood and W. W. Sharp found a large panther track one day last week.
Prof. Frank Sharp has been leading the singing for the Beaver Creek choir.
W. M. Underwood had the misfortune to get his fine horse crippled.
Several of our town people took advantage of the cold weather and filled their ice houses.
Misses Lillian and Vesta Sharp were the guests of Misses Marie and Eugie Curry one night last week.
The dance given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buzzard last Thursday night was, we understand, highly enjoyed by those who were present.
And it snowed once again – fine sledding.
Dr. Geiger was called to Durbin Tuesday night to doctor some sick horses.
W. W. Burns, of Marlinton, was up last week with a load of halters. He wants to halter the democratic party before it takes the whole country.
Most all the ice houses are full.
A big heater is being installed in the Cass Hotel.
W. R. Moore has been running his sawmill and factory this week.
Howard Meeks, of Onoto, has been here for several days. He and Bearyl Bumgardner have been making the rabbits live hard.
W. R. Moore, the town merchant, reports having bought some freak eggs. He took them home to use, and upon breaking same, found a twenty-five cent piece in each egg. This is not an advertisement.