July 20, 1916
It looks like the people of Europe were trying to kill off the very flower of the race. We have escaped so far and yet we realize that every day there is danger in certain inflammatory papers that are published requiring us to enter the bloody conflict. Men who want war are trying to start something that they will not be able to stop. We will have to find some sterner way to stop those who would deal damnation round the land.
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The raid of sharks on the bathers on the New Jersey coast has crowded the war news a little to one side. Four have been killed and one badly injured by sharks. The bathing season means much to New Jersey. Sea bathing is its main resource. The damage done to the resort business can hardly be estimated. Before this year the danger from sharks was never considered. It is hard to account for the sudden change in the habits of the fish.
Howard Barlow and Sherman Curry were here on business one day last week.
A team of horses hooked to a wagon belonging to A. C. Kidd got frightened the other day and soon showed the folks they could run as fast on the street as any where with the result that the wagon was broken and one of the horses got badly hurt in a wire fence.
Prof. W. E. Scott returned from Morgantown Monday and spent a day in town before going to his home at Maxwelton. He has gotten out a fine catalogue of the Hillsboro High School showing the building and a number of views on the campus. The work is neatly done.
Died, Sunday, July 16, 1916, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Eye.
Mrs. Marietta Pugh has returned from a week’s visit with her son, Wm. Pugh, of Back Mt.
Mrs. Hiram Wooddell has been confined to her room for some time with a very severe sore foot.
Wilford Sutton and family are on a two weeks’ vacation with relatives and friends at Thomas.
Willie Arbogast, wife and children of Elkins, are on a two weeks’ vacation with relatives here.
Brown Varner, who has been at Bridgewater College the past year, is at home visiting his parents and old friends for a few days.
Mrs. Rebecca Burner of Bartow, returned home Saturday after spending a few days at the home of her brother, Milton Gum.
The ground for our High School building is being broken this week.
Mrs. Withrow McClintic of Marlinton motored up last week and called on a few friends.
Miss Stella Orndorff spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Lora Rader at Pine Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Loring Kerr, of Top Alleghany, were calling on friends here Monday.
Rev. H. A. Coffman did not fill his appointment at Hamlin Chapel last Sunday on account of rain.
W. G. Cochran is building an addition to this house and making other improvements which add very much to its appearance. Henry Moore is the contractor.
W. A. Barlow made a big sale for the Gibson Lumber Company Saturday.
Misses Kate and Ina Wood of Mingo, are spending a few days with their sisters, Mrs. E. B. VanReenan and Mrs. Amos Beverage.
E. H. Williams of Marlinton were here Saturday and sold the Gibson Lumber Co.’s logging outfit and sawmill.
Some of our people have commenced making hay.
Lots of rain and bad harvesting; wheat is about all cut and is fairly good. Oats is falling down badly on account of so much rain; corn is growing and meadows are fine.
Mrs. Annie McNeill was buried at the McNeill graveyard last Sunday.
The sawmill and log train are shut own for a couple weeks on account of a shortage of logs.
The Horror
The common enemy, antagonistic, foe, adversary, bete noire, of mankind is the snake. Nothing so startles and terrifies man as to come upon a snake unexpectedly. It is the duty of every man to exterminate them. And yet, it dawned on me many years ago that the snake was particularly careful not to harm man and that a snake will make every effort to escape without striking at the common enemy. There is every reason to believe that snakes will go a long way out of his road to avoid a controversy with man, and yet we hunt them out and kill them on every occasion.
The other morning the lady of the house came to where I was smoking and reading on the front porch and wanted to know with some show of indignation why I had not come when she had called. I replied that I had not heard her, that I had heard something but thought that it was an old hen squawking. Then she said that in the garden she had all but stepped upon a big snake which had disappeared through the fence.
As evidence of good faith, I shook off the sloth that encompassed me, and took a hoe and went to hunt that snake. Strange to say, in the adjoining lot in a corner where there was a lot of weeds, I found the offender. It was an extra big garter snake, about as harmless an animal as exists, but flies and snakes are two things that the good lady cannot abide to have around the house, and I therefore set the hoe down on the snake and held it to the ground. Then I was in the condition of having found the game without being able to dispatch it and so had to yell, needing a club or something.
The lady came to the garden and inquired what was wanted and I said to her that I had arrested a snake of the same general description of the snake against whom the complaint was made, but that I did not care to proceed further in the matter until it was identified as the guilty snake. Without dwelling on this case of abstract justice, she reached me a club and pretty soon the proceedings interested the snake no more.
Backward, turn backward, O time in your flight,
Give us a girl whose skirts are not tight;
Give us a girl whose charms, though few,
Are not exposed by so much peek-a-boo.
Give us a girl, no matter what age,
Who won’t use the street for a vaudeville stage.
Give us a girl not too sharply in view,
And dress her in skirts that the sun can’t shine through.
Just give us a girl dressed simply and clean,
That isn’t so anxious about being seen;
Just dress her is clothes that are not quite so thin.
An don’t be afraid to use thread and some pins.