Suzanne Stewart
Staff Writer
Pocahontas County High School senior Caleb Bennett was selected as Student of the Month for January.
Bennett may come across as a shy and quiet student, but when it comes to his selected field of forestry, he becomes animated.
“I took forestry my sophomore year and I just fell in love with it,” he said. “I took another class and [forestry teacher Scott Garber] asked me to be on the team. We got eleventh in the nation.”
Because he was on a winning team last year, Bennett cannot compete in forestry this year, but he continues to be an active member of FFA.
After graduation he plans to attend Glenville State College to earn a degree in forestry. Once he has his degree, Bennett plans to take his knowledge west.
“I want to go west and I think after a few years I’ll come back to the state,” he said.
Along with forestry, Bennett said his favorite subject is math because he likes numbers.
As he reflects on his time at PCHS, Bennett said it is important to be the kind of Warrior younger students can look up to.
“I think, as a senior, you kind of just try to be someone that everyone can look up to because I know I looked up to the seniors when I was a freshman and a sophomore,” he said. “I just try to do that.”