December 11, 1890
The Pocahontas Times
Huntersville, West Virginia
A dispatch from Memphis, Tenn., dated Nov. 28, says: “James Stockton met his wife here today for the first time since the Johnstown flood. They had mourned each other as dead, believing that they had been bereaved by the awful disaster. Stockton had gone to California and Mrs. Stockton was in Massachusetts. They were discovered to each other by a mutual friend in this city, and today a most joyful meeting took place at the first station on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway on the incoming train. They had only been married a few days, and will go from here to their new home in California to complete their rudely interrupted honeymoon.”
Mrs. Mary E. Beaseley, of Philadelphia, has invented and patented a barrel-hooping machine which gives her an income of $20,000 a year; her machine, it is claimed, being capable of hooping 1,200 barrels a day.
Born to Horace Herold, Esq., and wife, of Frost, on the 8th inst., a boy.
Only two weeks until Xmas and then look out for the small boy with the fire cracker and the large boy with the fire water.
Never trust an able-bodied youth or young man who cannot and does not support himself without calling on his mother for all the money she can spare from what she earns while he is operating as a masher.
We are requested to announce that a full meeting of the heads of families in this neighborhood, is desired at prayer meeting this evening, for the purpose of arranging for a Christmas Tree. The tree is intended for the benefit of the whole immediate neighborhood.
At a dance near Buckeye, last Thursday night, Enoch McNeill, Esq., accused a Mr. Weakly of taking some whiskey, when the latter, after Mr. McNeill turned his back, struck him in the back of the head with an axe, fracturing his skull so that pieces were taken out. It is thought he will recover. Weakly has not been arrested.
Wise Herold, Esq., of Frost, and ye Ed. returned last Friday evening from a visit to the booming towns of Virginia… For yearlings, Clifton Forge, Basie City and Buena Vista, beat the world. They have large manufacturing plants that employ from 1,000 to 1,500 men … The structures that are going up are not common plank things, but large magnificent brick buildings, trimmed with pressed brick and marble. They bid fair to become cities of importance…
Upwards of twenty wagons and teams have been employed during the last two or three weeks, delivering lumber on the river bank at Marlinton, for the various lumber dealers. There is now lying there 150,000 to 200,000 feet at the various yards – the roads are in fine order now, but if rain sets in then the bottom will be deep down.
The 2nd District of this County now boasts of seven steam sawmills at work employing, outside of lumber haulers, an average of eight to 10 hands each, at, and about the mills, distributing hundreds of dollars among laborers – hard work – but not hard times.
Hillsboro Male and Female Academy will give a Christmas entertainment on the 19th inst., beginning at 6 1/2 o’clock, p.m. The exercises will consist of a debate by the two literary societies, followed by Pantomimes, motion songs, music and catisthewics [sp.].
There will be an admittance fee of 15 cts. for the purpose of establishing a library for the societies. A cordial invitation is given the public.