So that local businesses can begin to plan accordingly, you should know that a Tentative Date of Saturday, May 17, has been set for the Grand Opening of the Monday Lick Trail. Also, a committee is working on extra activities that could result in visitors coming into town as early as the Thursday or Friday before and staying over until the Sunday after. These other festivities are meant to encourage overnight stays in and around the Town.
These different activities throughout the weekend could include group rides or hikes. Music in Marlinton on Friday and Saturday night is (almost) a certainty. Stay tuned for other notices, as events and planning remain a work in progress.
Also, the Town is still accepting contributions toward the refurbish and improvements to the First Avenue Mini-Park. The plan is to rebuild a new and slightly larger pavilion. Depending on funding, we would like to add additional playground equipment and rename it the “Roger L. Trusler Memorial Park” in honor of Roger Trusler. Roger was an active member of the Marlinton Community for the past 40 years. He passed away last August, while serving as a member of the Marlinton Town Council.
Another reminder – Don’t forget your Valentine.