September 16, 1915
The first vehicle to cross the new bridge was Dr. N. R. Price’s automobile.
Hevener Dilley is building a new house on the site of the old house erected about a hundred years ago by his grandfather, Martin Dilley, in the Hills, near Dilley’s Mill. Much of the timber in the old house is hewn from white pine, and some of it is in such good state of preservation that it was used in the frame work of the new house. The old house was a large structure with brick chimneys and was considered a very fine mansion in its day.
Sam Elliott, working on Hevener Dilley’s new house at Dilleys Mill, fell from a scaffolding Monday evening and was pretty badly hurt. He was unconscious for some time, and suffered from sprains and bruises, also a fractured rib. The accident was caused by a plank in the scaffolding breaking. Mr. Elliott fell about 18 feet, striking on his head and shoulders.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Slaven, a daughter, September 3.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gadd, at Buckeye, August 26, a son.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Aumiller at Buckeye, August 28, a son.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Moertz, at Woodrow, August 29, a son.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Busch, at Beaver Creek, September 11, a daughter.
The Cornerstone of the Marlinton Presbyterian Church now in the course of erection was laid at 12 o’clock noon, Thursday, September 9, 1915, by the most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of West Virginia. Most Worshipful William T. Ice, of Philippi, the Grand Master of Masons of West Virginia could not be present in person, so it was eminently appropriate that he should designate Past Grand Master George W. McClintic, of Charleston, as his proxy or the purpose of laying the Cornerstone of this Presbyterian Church at the county seat of Pocahontas county. Past Grand Master McClintic was born at Mill Point in this county and was reared on a farm near Buckeye…
Desiring, therefore, to leave its impress on the permanent marks of progress of every community with which it is identified, the Masonic Order could not find a more fitting nor promising means than the laying of the cornerstone of our churches. In doing so, the two most ancient organizations on earth, the Church of God and the Order of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons unite in eternalizing the principles of industry and virtue which they both inculcate. It seems to me, therefore, my brethren of the Masonic Fraternity, most fittingly wise that we shall now have the privilege of laying the cornerstone of a building which represents on earth today the same faith, the same hope, the same love and the same worship that were instrumental in erecting the first building ever raised to the worship of Almighty God, the Architect of the Universe, the Temple built by King Solomon…
The following is a list of articles deposited in the cornerstone:
The Bible, one white leather apron, list of officers Marlinton Lodge No. 127; list of members of Marlinton Lodge No. 127; emblem pin of 32nd Degree Mason; Confession of Faith; Shorter Catechism; Child’s Catechism; Mothers’ Catechism by Mrs. Anna L. Price; Christian Observer; Presbyterian of the South; Onward, Presbyterian Standard; Missionary Survey; Earnest Worker; list of charter members of Marlinton Presbyterian Church; list of church officers; list of members of church; list of members of the Ladies’ Aid Society; members of Junior and Senior Willing Workers; Dime list of Junior Willing Workers; picture of old Presbyterian church; pictures of new Presbyterian Church, pictures of Old State Bridge across Greenbrier river at Marlinton; The Marlinton Journal; The Pocahontas Times, the last financial statements of bands, good luck piece, West Virginia Bankers Association Emblem, picture of new bridge across the Greenbrier river; “A Song of West Virginia” by Andrew Price, a picture of the Old Log Church at Stony Creek; list of Pocahontas County officials; list of officers of town of Marlinton; picture of town of Marlinton; picture of M. E. Church, South, Marlinton; picture of St. Johns Episcopal Church; list of pastors, Marlinton Presbyterian Church 1881- 1914; Copy of deed from A. M. McLaughlin and wife to trustees of Marlins Bottom church for church lot; card of C. W. Slave; card of G. M. Sharp.
The day was bright and warm and all the exercises were beautiful and impressive.
The Ladies Aid Society furnished a bountiful and well served luncheon in the opera house and realized about $140 which is to be used in raising the fund of $1,500 subscribed by the society for building the church.
Pretty hot for the last few days, another month of hot dry weather and the corn will do to harvest.
Albert Perry has the brag clover field of this section. He is harvesting the third crop this season.
The calf buyers in this section are getting a little uneasy about the foot and mouth disease which is reported to be in some parts of the community.
Died, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith, Friday, September 10. Mrs. Smith is very ill.
E. R. Sharp was here Monday and bought a fine bunch of sheep from J. E. Barlow.
Preston Baxter is helping Henry Moore build the school house on Yelk.
W. L. Gay and son, Cecil, passed through town Monday with a fine drove of sheep.