Thursday, September 3, 1914
The ladies of the M. E. Church south realized nearly a hundred dollars at their dinner at Minnehaha Springs last Saturday. So rainy was the day that meals were served in the club house. The proceeds are for a parsonage at Minnehaha.
Robert Simmons, chief of police at Durbin, brought down two prisoners for the county jail this week. One was an Italian committed under the name of Sam Girrusso, who is charged with having an unusual quantity of liquor in his possession during the month of August, it being shown that he had received eight gallons during that month. He claimed to have drunk it up but that being more than a quart a day the justice did not consider his defense plausible and sent him on to await the action of the grand jury. The other prisoner was George Costalche, a big Austrian, who had been followed by a man from Horton who accused him of stealing his watch. The watch was found and returned to the trailer, but as a razor and a 38 cal. Revolver was found upon him, somebody had to go to jail, and the court said let George do it. So he was sent to jail for eight months and required to pay a fine of $100, which will cut in upon the reserve.
Monday night the big Hudson car of M. E. Pue, of this place, got on fire on Elk Mountain and was entirely burned up and destroyed.
Mr. Pue with a party consisting of Dr. J. W. Price, Miss Allie Gibson and Forrest Gibson, was coming from Elk in the direction of Marlinton, and had dropped down to the foot of the mountain near Mrs. Maggie Sharp’s farm, when the car was discovered to be on fire. The machine was under good control and the driver stopped, but in a very short time the whole car was on fire. It was so quickly enveloped in flames that Dr. Price lost his medicine case.
The car was a 60 HP Hudson, known as a Big Six and was comparatively new. It was probably the best car in the county. It is the same car that was recently driven by Mr. Pue from Baltimore to Marlinton in one day between daylight and dark.
The theory of the ignition is that a leak in the tank caused gas to gather under the hood and that a spark from the electric battery set it on fire. There was twenty gallons of gasoline in the car, and the car is a total loss.
Misses Belle and Willa Taylor were the guests of Miss Stella Orndorff Saturday and Sunday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Barkley, a daughter.
L. D. Wooddell and Ed Brown are doing some carpenter work for James Cassell near Greenbank.
Thirty-two of the Deer Creek people came up Sunday on the train to attend the all-day service. We were glad to have them with us and appreciate the interest they took in the meeting while they were here.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ervin, a daughter.
We are glad to see Ed Lambert out again after being confined to his room for some time.
F. Hamed made a flying trip to Millpoint Sunday in his car, after Mrs. Charles Gum and her little daughter.
Mrs. Lida Hiner, who has been complaining the past week, we are glad to say is much better.
There will be a box supper at Bussard church Saturday night. Everybody come and have a good time.
A large crowd attended the burial of John Andrew Moore at this place Monday. He leaves a host of friends to mourn his loss.
Mrs. W. J. Pritchard, formerly of this place, but now of Warm Springs, and little daughter, Annie Lona, after spending three weeks visiting friends and relatives at this place, returned to her home last Saturday.
Mrs. Susie Bussard is very much complaining at this time.
Rev. Mr. Humes, of Baltimore, preached at the McLaughlin schoolhouse, Sunday. Mr. Humes is a homemade preacher and fills the pulpit efficiently and acceptably to his hearers, leaving an impress for good. Come again, Brother Humes.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Letch McLaughlin, a daughter.
Delbert Carpenter and Simpson Gragg were out driving Sunday and met an automobile; their horse scared and ran away and did quite a little damage. Miss Nannie Carpenter got her arm hurt in the runaway.
The farmers have finished making hay and gone to talking about the war. I think threshing will be next.
The dogs are playing the d—-l with the sheep in this part. The tax ought to be raised on them then the farmers would have more sheep and less dogs.
Mrs. Clyde Carpenter and children and Mrs. Hattie McLaughlin, of Dunmore, spent Sunday at N.M. Fertig’s.
Morgan Grimes is seriously ill at this writing.
Mrs. Hevener Dilley and children and Miss Vergie Dilley attended the burial of John a. Moore at Frost, Monday.
J. W. Grimes and daughter, Mona Gale, were shopping in Marlinton one day this week.
Joe McNeel, of Academy, was in this part last week buying horses.
We have had a frequency of showers recently which seems to have cast a green mantle over the entire valley.
The outlook for a living is good. There is an abundant fruit crop, and turkeys, pigs and chickens galore populating the hills and valleys.
Hanson Auldridge, a wealthy and respected citizen of Edray District, died Monday night aged 56 years. He had been a great sufferer for some months from dropsy. He was an unmarried man living with his sister on their ancestral acres which lie on the main road between Edray and Clover Lick. Throughout a life of hard work and self-denial he accumulated quite a large fortune. He was noted for his industry, frugality and honesty. The only near relative surviving him is his sister, Miss Malinda Auldridge, with whom he has lived all his life. His body was buried at the Sharp graveyard on Neal Barlow’s place.