Thursday, September 2, 1920
Stephen P. Bright, aged about 38 years, was instantly killed by being run over by a truck driven by Early Dilley on Drennen Ridge on Monday evening, August 30, 1920. He and Jacob Coombs were walking from Edray, and being overtaken by the truck, were invited to ride. Mr. Coombs got in the truck, but Mr. Bright chose to ride on the running board. Coming down the hill above Campbelltown, his hat blew off, and losing his balance in some way, he fell or jumped off, and the heavy wheel passed over his head, neck and shoulders. His neck was broken, also his arm and jaw, and he suffered other injuries. Death was instantaneous.
Stephen Bright was the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John l. Bright, and a brother of Harvey Bright. His father died last winter, and two brothers have died in recent years. He was a quiet, industrious citizen.
Now that women are assured of a vote in the election this fall, the political sharps are figuring the effect their vote will have in the outcome. In the State of New York, where the women participated in the last election, the wise men think they find that the average woman votes the way her father did, rather than follow the lead of her husband. Also, that the woman does not regard party lines with the regularity of the average man, and she weighs candidates and issues more carefully and is more independent and, consequently, casts a more intelligent ballot…
Adam B. Littlepage, before he decided to become a candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor, made the broad statement that equal suffrage would change the face of party power in West Virginia. He submitted that under ratification of the suffrage amendment, 278,000 white women and 37,000 colored women would become qualified voters in West Virginia…
The Clover Lick farm belonging to the C. P. Dorr estate was sold at public auction Wednesday at which sale Yancey Ligon became the purchaser at the sum of $58,000. The sale is subject to confirmation by the Circuit Court.
They got to talking about good society the other day and that is a phrase which always makes us sit up and take notice, for we have very decided opinions on the subject. What we once thought was good society turned out to be a bunch of alcoholics, who were more like the underworld than the God-fearing people among whom we had been raised…
Then we tried running with politicians and in that distinguished company we found many who stood, as it were, on the fringe of good society, but that was just their artfulness of being all things to all men, and politics turned out to be the same as dust and ashes in the mouth. By the way, it is easy to get acquainted with a politician in case you want to break into their society.
The intelligentsia are all right if they were not so cranky and if they did not want to talk all the time so that you cannot get in a word edgewise…
But after many years of experience and seeking good society with indifferent success, we have come to the conclusion that taking it all in all, that the nearest thing that we have to good society in this country, is formed by what is generally known as church going people. There is more satisfaction in associating with this class than any other. Acts of neighborly kindness and attention are practically confined to this class. It would be a rotten world without religion.
Immigrants are coming into this country at the rate of five thousand persons a day. That means that the population of a small county is added to the United States every day. The report is that steamships have sold out their capacity to carry immigrants for a year ahead, and there is a regular exodus from Europe.
It is going to call for the best thought in the country to deal with this great question. Nobody knows what ought to be done. There are some dangerous aliens in the flow, but the great majority of them do not know anything but work…
Put enough of them on the farms to raise food enough to feed the rest of the immigrants and that would take care of them automatically.
The cities grab for them for the farmers are not represented at the pier.
Mrs. Ann Eliza Moyer, beloved wife of Henry M. Moyer, died at her home near Bartow, after an illness of one year, on June 23, 1920, in the 65th year of her age, having been born in Pendleton County, September 11, 1855. She is survived by her husband and their ten children.
It is hard to give her up, but she has gone to mansions above, prepared for those who love the Lord, Her last hours were spent in talking of Jesus and praising the Lord. After a farewell to her loved ones, she died as one falling asleep saying she saw the White City…