May 7, 1914
Luther Wiley and Cal Grose, bootleggers, dope shooters and all around bad men, were landed in jail last week, and are held to await the action of the grand jury on charges of carrying deadly weapons and selling whiskey.
Sheriff Cochran rounded them up at the home of S. F. Kimbel at Spice and with the help of Frank Sparks, Lloyd Critz, A. B. Livesay and John Underwood, arrested them. Kimbel was held under bond for the grand jury. This is the second time Wiley and Grose have come to Spice to operate and this time they brought and disposed of 52 quarts of whiskey. They were very bold about their lawbreaking and threatened to kill the sheriff or anyone who would attempt their arrest. On the morning of their arrest they were shadowed by the sheriff, and when they went to dinner he walked in upon them, coming up behind a much larger man. They were sitting facing each other, and Mr. Cochran poked a gun in Wiley’s face and at Grose. Both very promptly submitted and allowed themselves to be searched. On Grose was found a Smith & Wesson revolver, a stiletto like knife, sharp as a razor, a lot of keys that will open any door, some burglar tools, a candle, some morphine and cocaine, a hypodermic needle and case, and some other drugs that have not yet been identified. He says his home is in Detroit, Michigan. Wiley’s outfit consisted of a 44 Remington revolver with a ten inch barrel, two hypodermic needles and drug cases well filled with dope, a candle, postage stamps, keys and burglar tools. He says he is from Kanawha county and has lived in Nicholas.
Harry Warn has moved to town and is occupying the Nottingham property.
A great many wagons from Highland county were over for wire, fertilizer, flour, goods, etc. Some of them cuss about our roads and they have a right to. In Highland county the roads have all been worked and here it is the first of May and no roads worked. The taxpayers have a right to demand the roads worked.
J. M. Mathews was seven hours coming from Minnehaha Springs to Dunmore, Sunday, in his automobile; stuck in two mud holes and had a bridge to build. We see men hauling 200 and 300 feet of lumber eight and nine miles at $5.00 per thousand when last winter while the road was frozen they would haul twelve or thirteen hundred feet at a load.
Quincy Friel has moved to Clawson.
William Smith, Jr. took a fit Friday morning and fell in a brush heap and was badly burned, and perhaps one of his arms will have to be amputated. He was sent to the Hinton Hospital Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ray’s little child, aged eight months, died near Dunmore Wednesday evening. It was buried at Arbovale.
Married, Teddie Bodkins and Miss Jettie Smith, at the home of Wm. Smith near town, by Rev. T. A. Burch.
The farmers are about ready to plant. Some of the fruit in this section is killed and plenty of time yet to get the rest of it.
Traffic was held up about six hours owing to the freight train wrecking near Hosterman. If the C & O people don’t put in some new ties and clean up the slides soon there will be serious wrecks of a different nature.
The farmers are busy with their spring work. Some potatoes have been planted. There is a good prospect for peaches in this part this season.
W. McClintic has his camps up and is ready to go to work at U. W. Beverage and Son.
The foxes are killing William Gilmore’s lambs.
John W. Jackson is improving his property very much by putting a new fence around his front yard.
There is some excitement over the prospect of a rural route between Frost and Dunmore.
Several of the young people from here attended the show at Marlinton last Saturday and report a good show.
The farmers have finished sowing oats and are about ready to plant corn. Mrs. Eva Kincaid, who had been nursing the little child of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Baxter, has returned to her home at Marlinton.
Uriah Kramer has a force of men at work on A. T. Moore’s place, getting out rock to macademize the Edray pike.
Mr. Lee was very badly crippled at his mill on Stony Creek while trying to stop a runaway team for W. G. Cochran.
W. H. Gilmore and so Lanty were visiting at Alex Hefner’s Sunday.
Mrs. George Kerr is not so well at this writing.
Miss Mabel Woods entertained a number of friends at her home last Firday night. Those present were Misses Flora, Mabel and Winnie Gillispie, Flossie and Annie Conrad, Wilma Beard, Jenna and Zura Warner, Messrs. Fred and Lawrence Conrad, Orrin and Floy Gillispie, O. G. Arbogast, Earl Wenger, Luther Flynn and Mack Woods.
On account of measles raging in the neighborhood, the Mothers’ day program which the Arbovale Sunday School expected to render will not be what was expected at first, as some of the children cannot attend. The service will be at three o’clock in the afternoon.
some of the Woodmen of this place attended the burial of Clyde Weiford at Academy. among those were Claud Barkley, Fred conrad, Proter Kerr and Tom Bryant. This is the first death to occur in this camp since it was organized in 19190.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Arbogast, a son. Also to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Eye, a daughter.