Thursday, July 25, 1918
Col. Clarence W. Watson, of the Ordinance Corps, now a candidate for the Democratic Senatorial nomination in West Virginia, today announced the platform upon which he asks the support of his party in the state. And this platform is unique in its brevity and at the same time in its comprehensiveness. He declares that it contains but one plank and that plank is composed of only two words – “Woodrow Wilson.”
In his statement today, Colonel Watson declared that when all is said and done, the nation’s vital interests center in the President of the United States; that he is the embodiment of all that any loyal citizen can stand for and that certainly he represents all any Democrat can offer as an issue before the people…
“The president stands pre-eminent among men. The war has made him a world figure as powerful in Allied countries as in his own. To accomplish the successful conclusion of the war, his advice and counsel is being sought by all the Allied peoples…
“In war, we cannot have divided leadership. There must be one supreme head to the nation. Our President is that head. Upon him falls the responsibility for success or failure. In my small way, I shall endeavor to the last ounce of my strength to see that failure shall not befall the President or the nation. In taking my stand, I am doing only a natural and logical thing. Men of all classes are standing shoulder to shoulder with the President. Most conspicuous among these are the laboring men and their leaders. Never in any country has a ruler obtained greater loyalty from his people than has the President in this free country received from laboring men and their leaders…”
Most of the people are through cutting wheat and there has been lots of hay made, most of the meadows ought to be cut soon and do not let the hay get too ripe.
W. A. McLaughlin has 55 high grade Hampshire ewe lambs for sale. Don’t let them go out of the county. The United States produces annually about 110,000,000 pounds of scoured wool per year and it takes that amount to clothe about 1,600,000 soldiers and we are planning on having 5,000,000 soldiers, so you see we need more wool. Keep all your ewe lambs in the county; let us make Pocahontas County do its bit toward producing wool.
Don’t forget to spray your potatoes. They should be sprayed until the first and second week in August. The United States crop report shows that there was not as many potatoes planted this year as last year.
Richard McCarty has rented Cameron Beard’s farm for a term of five years and is now busy harvesting his hay crop. It is reported that Mr. and Mrs. Beard expect to spend the winter in Florida. A good place to go.
Cheerful letters from Floyd Darnell and Sherman Moore indicated that they are getting along all right at Camp Lee. Floyd is a non-commissioned officer in charge of quite a bunch of men. Sherman returned last week from Baltimore whither he had been sent to transport over land a number of motor trucks for war purposes.
Accidental shooting resulted in the death of a nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson last Monday evening at their home on Viney Mountain. It seems that two boys were left at the house while their parents went to milk. The boys played with a 38 caliber Colt revolver. It was discharged shooting the boy through the body near the heart killing him almost instantly. Squire LaRue impaneled a coroner’s jury which brought in the verdict as above stated, death by accidental shooting.
Mrs. Eva Ligon McNeel came down from her home in Clover Lick one day last week to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Callison.
M. L. Beard returned last Saturday from a week’s visit to Charleston in the state; Niagara Falls, and over into Canada. He reports a very enjoyable trip.
Mrs. Ira Fortune left Tuesday morning for Covington, Va. to make arrangements to move to this place. Her Husband is employed at the Union Tanning Co.
We have learned that Mr. J. W. Hayslette and Mrs. Sam Withers, formerly of this place but are now living in Westover, Pa., were struck by lighting last week and are in serious condition. Mr. Hayslette not able to walk.
Mrs. Leon Passmore and little son, Leon, of Mt. Morris, N. Y., are visiting her Aunt, Mrs. Dave Spitzer.
Mrs. George Burgess, of Woodrow, July 22, 1918, aged about 42 years. She is survived by her husband and a number of children.