Thursday, May 30, 1918
There are two prime incentives in these mountains. In the summer it is fishing and in the fall it is hunting. It is the proper thing to take your fishing rod, but it is not necessary to take it out of its case. In fact a fishing rod will last much longer if it is kept in the case. So too the gun in the fall.
In a camping party, there are generally enough enthusiasts to give the camp fare a taste of wildness by the contributions of game and fish. The days glide by in camp and there is a satisfaction there that is not to be had anywhere else.
“If thou art worn and hard beset,
With sorrows, that thou wouldst forget,
If thou wouldst read a lesson that will keep
Thy heart from fainting, and they soul from sleep,
Go to the woods and hills!
No tears dim the sweet look that nature wears.”
– – –
A careful reading of the works of the late Izaak Walton will show you that he never knew anything about real fishing. All his fishing was carried on in the green fields of old England, and he seems to have counted that day lost, whose setting sun did not bring him in sight of a tavern. Setting around in the hot sun in a boat on the edge of the great waterhole known as the ocean is as tame as killing hogs, as a great mountaineer once expressed it. Pegging down a fishing line and waiting for a bite will do for the women, the children, the lame, and the halt and the aged. But the way to fish is to go after the game fish of the troubled waters of the mountain streams…
The question of issuing $10,000 in bonds to repair the light plant carried in the special election held on Monday by a majority of 90 to 44 and the levy carried by 86 to 46 votes.
In answer to a call for $2,500, Pocahontas County responded with $8,300 to the Red Cross War Fund in the week ending May 21.
We wish to express our high appreciation of the splendid spirit of the people of Pocahontas County as shown by their gifts to the Red Cross…This is the American Spirit – the spirit that will win the war.
We also desire to express our appreciation of the untiring efforts of the district committee chairmen, Dr. Hannah, Samuel Sheets, S. M. Hench and Mrs. Maggie Lockridge.
These people have given liberally of their time and talent, and the county should know of the sacrifices they have made because it was a duty.
C. J. Richardson,
Wheeling – Alleged to have torn and tramped on the American flag and the insignia of the American Red Cross, John Kupcik, an Austrian, employed at the Wheeling Steel and Iron plant at Benwood, was taken into custody by United States Deputy Marshal John M. Shorts. He will be interned at either Washington, D. C. or Fort Oglethorpe.
C. A. Yeager has a unique paper weight in the form of a block of marble from King Solomon’s temple. It was given him by General Shyrock, for thirty years the head of Masonry in Maryland. The General got it on one of his trips to Jerusalem.
R. L. Burns brought in his fine mare, Fair Maiden, from Charleston. This is one of the noted horses of the country, having won many honors in the horse shows last season.
The play presented at the Cass Theater by the Raywood Auxiliary for the benefit of the Second Red Cross War Fund was a great success financially and theatrically. We enjoyed the entertainment from beginning to end, and the parts were very well handled. Can we not ask you to come again soon? We always enjoy a show such as you gave.
The Big Red Cross Drive is over and as usual, Cass went way over the top: $2,726.25 in cash already sent in and another collector to hear from. Our people are interested in those of our boys who have already gone as well as those who are still to go. They can be sure their Cass Friends will stand right behind them and do their best. The recent call took our genial drug clerk, Harry Hill. His many friends are sorry to lose him, but we know our loss will be Uncle Sam’s gain and perhaps the Kaiser’s eventual overthrow.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Luke and little son have returned from New York to their home here for the summer.
This is a beautiful place in summer. East, west, north, south, old mother nature has been at work. She has planted with lavish hand. She has watered with warm spring rains, she has soothed with soft breezes. The green clad hills form a picture. Here we have thousands of cattle grazing.
There are the great trees; they rest you; they impress you. They are so fine a part of the Great Plan that you wonder how man could have heart to lay rude ax at their trunk.
Dandelions! They take us back to the barefoot days, when we gathered them and wove garlands and crowned our little friends with their golden glory. And there are buttercups, and soon the field daisies will be here, and already the wild strawberry vines are blossom clad.
A word about the birds. They are back. That means the world has grown more kind; that the children of this age have been taught to be good to the birds. Why, the other day, coming from school, a boy caught a young robin, and a dozen children shouted: Let it go! Don’t harm a bird. We are growing kinder and the robins, bluebirds, wrens, blackbirds and dozens more are seen on every hand, singing their thanks and gratefulness. The wonders of nature all help to elevate and enlighten mankind.
L. C. McMillion died at his home near Lobelia Tuesday, May 14, 1918, after a few days illness, aged about 65 years. His body was laid to rest in the Hill cemetery near Lobelia on Thursday with appropriate services by his pastor, no funeral being conducted on account of the serious illness of his wife, who took ill a few days after he did, and in five days after his death her spirit took its flight to join that of her husband in the mansions beyond the skies. She was 64 years old.
Mr. McMillion was born in Greenbrier county and came to Pocahontas county when a young man and married Miss Caroline Hill, daughter of the late Richard Hill, of Hills Creek, about the year 1875. They had lived ever since their marriage near her old home place…
They are survived by two sons, J. E. McMillion, of Renick, and D. F. McMillion, of Ward; and two daughters, Miss Mandie, of Hansford, and Mrs. Eva Spinks, who lives at the home place. The children were all at home on this sad occasion.