Thursday, May 9, 1918
Hillsboro Methodist Church will observe Parents’ Day next Sunday, May 12, 11 a.m. Every parent present who has a son or sons in the army will be given a little service flag to wear in honor of the son or sons in the service of their country. We want to see present every father and mother who has a son in the army. A cordial invitation is given to all to attend this service. ~ W. D. Eye, Pastor
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Mr. and Mrs. Richard Callison and son, Elba, visited their son and brother, Sergeant Josiah W. Callison, at Camp Lee from Saturday to Tuesday. They report that the soldiers at Camp Lee are well cared for, and are anxious to go over there.
A large delegation from Cass was before Squire Smith Monday morning on charges having to do with the violation of the liquor laws. John Rose drew a five hundred dollar fine and a six months’ sentence for maintaining a public nuisance in the way of a house in which liquor was sold. Frank Milliron for selling liquor, six months, and $100, Glen Sparks, unlawful retailing, six months and $100; Mrs. Bertha Spense, same charge, six months and $100, Mrs. Elizabeth Exline, same charge, six months and $100…
The complainant was W. A. Bratton, prosecuting attorney, and the chief witness was Lloyd Adkison, of the State Prohibition Commissioner’s office.The officer in charge of the said was special constable L. S. Cochran, a man of considerable experience in this line of endeavor. Some kegs of wine and old hen made from corn meal were confiscated.
For months, there has been complaints about an apparently never failing supply of old hen and other intoxicants in the town of Cass, but ordinary means failed to locate the lick. Prosecuting Attorney Bratton took the matter up with the State Prohibition Commissioner and the result was the appearance of Detective Adkison on the scene. He came here six weeks ago and hired on at the big mill. He got himself admitted to the lodge, and now there is an increase around the table at Jailor McElwee’s county boarding house.
Editor Times: If you will allow me a small space in your valuable paper, I will try to drop a few lines to my friends in West Virginia to let them know that I have arrived safely over the deep blue sea. This leaves me well, in good spirits and having a fine time. We were out on a nice hike in the country and had a fine view of it.
The days are very warm here and the nights are cool, but we are well prepared for all kinds of weather.
I am sorry that military orders will not permit me to say anything about my trip, or when I landed or what ship we sailed on, but I will soon be back with you all in old West Virginia and then I can tell of my experience.
The Y.M.C.A. keeps us in plenty of writing paper, books, magazines and daily papers. We have movies and plenty of music, which is a great pleasure to all of us. The Y.M.C.A. is full all the time. Anything given for Y.M.C.A. or Red Cross funds helps thousands of soldiers to feel at home. But I don’t care where you are, there is no place so dear as home, and it is hard to leave friends and loved ones, but it is all for freedom and liberty.
Well, being as I cannot write on all points as I would like to, it is rather hard to write, so one and all, don’t worry about us West Virginia boys. We have what it takes to do the work. So I will tell my friends and loved ones good night for this time. Will write again. Would be pleased to hear from any one, as it helps to keep us in good spirits when we can know what is going on around our own home and State.
Private Jesse T. Poage,
Co. L. 30 U.S.A. Infantry
A.E.F., France
Fine weather has stirred the farmers to the doubling of their diligence, and plowing and planting is the order of the day from early to late. All are enthusiastic to raise enough for home consumption and some to spare, and in this way help to win the war for liberty and freedom
We fear that not enough Liberty Bonds are being purchased by our country. What will we give in exchange for our country? Should Germany rule the world our money will do no good. A government bond would do more good than money.
S. T. Hevener sold his farm to W. W. Sutton and bought $1,300 worth of Liberty Bonds. Mr. Hevener has no boys to fight so he furnished Uncle Sam the money.
Elmer Houchin says he will not furnish Uncle Sam a boy – because it is a girl.
Mrs. Birdie Taylor and little daughter, Gladys, are visiting friends and relatives on Knapps Creek.
Russell Taylor is working at Frost.
Andy Taylor is working at W. W. Galford’s.
Wade Galford lost a fine cow last week.
Henry F. Pyles was born March 24, 1859, and died April 13, 1918, aged 68 years and 19 days.
He had been in ill health for the past four years. He underwent an operation at the Marlinton hospital which relieved him for a while but he took worse about the 1st of December 1917, and was confined to his room principally until his death.
The deceased was well known throughout the county and had many friends. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Bosley at the home of J. B. Pyles where he made his home the last few years. His body was laid to rest in the Beaver Creek cemetery. A large congregation attended the services.
The many friends of Ernest Hebden will regret to hear of his death, having been killed in battle on the Flanders front on April 4. Mr. Hebden volunteered at the beginning of the war, being a member of the 18th Hussars (cavalry) and was attached to the machine gun section. He had been at the front since early 1915 and had many remarkable escapes. For a number of years, Mr. Hebden was a resident of Pocahontas, a member of the English colony at Mingo.