Thursday, January 4, 1917
The Cincinnati Post says that the Cherry River Boom & Lumber Company has let a contract for the construction of fifteen miles of railroad from Camden on the Gauley to Williams River. This may mean that the road is to be built from Camden on the Gauley to the three forks of Williams River.
A game of football was played, a return match, between the Minnehaha Mercenaries and the Marlinton Maneaters at the Springs New Year Day, resulting in a score of four goals to none in favor of the Mercenaries. A most satisfying game was played, only the Maneaters complain that the exceeding roughness and iciness of the ground, combined with an inability to kick the ball accurately, handicapped them heavily. The Maneaters had been trained on comparatively smooth ground, and broken ground breaks the gait of such.
The names of the teams and positions played are as follows:
Minnehaha Mercenaries: Goal, W. Herold; Fullbacks, H. Sharp, M. Sharp; Halfbacks, C. McLaughlin, H. Buzzard, J. Lockridge; Forwards, E. McLaughlin, M. Shinaberry, W. Pritchard, E. Shinaberry.
Marlinton Maneaters: Goal, George Lightner; Fullbacks, R. Yeager. Dr. J. M. Yeager; Halfbacks, R. Moore, G. Duncan, S. Yeager; Forwards, D. McNeel, J. Yeager, P. Yeager, A. Killingsworth, Dr. N. R. Price.
Christmas has come and gone, making many hearts glad, while some are sad because of disappointment, affliction or death. Such is life.
The winter is fine and healthy weather prevails. Stock is wintering fine with plenty of feed to run us through a long winter. Some are wintering calves; at high prices it pays to grow stock.
C. C. Wanless and H. L. Kesler burned a little kiln this winter. The kiln was 22 feet in diameter, and seven feet high, making from forty to fifty tons of rock. This was burned with seven and a half tons of Cheat Mountain coal. It took 26 days to burn; the cost will not exceed $.150 per ton. It pays to lime your land.
Price, Dice and Pearl Kesler, and Harry Wanless made a flying trip to Cass in their sled. Sleighing is fine.
We hear there are bootleggers being caught up at Cass by Sheriff Cochran. Give us officers who will look after the illegal practice.
Dogs killed a sheep for Loring Nottingham last week. One of the three dogs has paid the penalty and the other two are still living.
Miss Nannie Moore, of this place, and Merle Dye were married at Winterburn, December 25. We extend congratulations.
We had an exciting wildcat chase Wednesday morning near town. After running over part of the hunters, (we will not give their names) having six shots fired at it, and being slightly wounded, the cat was caught by the dogs.
The track walker tried to butt the passenger off the track Thursday, but being too light he was landed in the river. No serious damage was done except to the speeder which was pretty badly demolished.
Sam Gibson has about recovered from a severe spell of pneumonia.
Miss Malinda Hannah and son, Russell, were visiting at Marlinton a few days ago.
Misses Mary and Bessie Hannah have returned to Buckhannon where they are attending school after spending the holidays with home folks here.
J. W. Gilmer had the misfortune to lose a good young horse. Also Willie Gibson lost a fine young horse recently.
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The well defined plan for the improvement in education in this county which centers in the establishment of three high schools in the county is now so close to consummation that we can begin to take stock in the movement. The three schools are strung up and down the valley. They are located at Greenbank, Marlinton and Hillsboro. First and last, they will represent an expenditure of close to a hundred thousand dollars and will have been built without bonds. They will form an educational league and will give every child in the county an opportunity for a complete education such as formerly could only be secured by the expensive venture of sending the scholar away from the county to a boarding school…
If all signs fail not, there is to be the greatest school system in this county that has ever existed in a mountain county under similar circumstances. Generations unborn will reap the reward of the work that is going on now.
In the English cavalry regiments there is a command shouted to a squadron as it halts at the camp: “Prepare to Dismount! Dismount! Make much of your Horses!” The troopers are thus reminded to pet and care for their horses.
Here in these mountains let the slogan be: “Make much of your children!”
We are having fine winter weather; stock is wintering well and the roads are in good condition for this time of year.
The box supper at the Wanless school house on Friday night, Dec. 29, was attended by a large and orderly audience. All the patrons of the school and a number of our friends contributed liberally to the supper for which they deserve the credit and thanks the school extends to them.
I wish to express my appreciation and thanks alike to those who contributed to the make up of the supper and the well behaved audience. There were 14 boxes of supper and candy, $20.85; one surprise box, $2.25; pickles, cakes, peaches, tea and coffee, $11.05, making a total of $34.15. The money will be used for the benefit of the school library.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Sharp entertained in their new home a luncheon, Christmas eve. Games were played until a late hour. Those present were Misses Lena Hannah, Lexie Cruikshank, Emily Hoover, Violet Sharp, Leona Painter, Creola Sharp, Mary Gibson, Mary Cruikshank; Messrs. Peryl L. Brown, Jesse Hannah, Richard Gibson, Barney Showalter, Wilbur Painter, Willie Hoover, Henry Gibson, Ivan Sharp, Paul Cruikshank, and Dr. R. M. Cox.
He dreamed he was standing at Camden and Main,
Attired in his striped pajamas,
And his informal dress caused the deepest distress
To young ladies who passed with their mamas.
He dreamed he was there to ask men for their votes,
For a place of importance in town;
And to nail a weird lie, about a hot custard pie,
On which he had chanced to sit down.
It seemed that he proved to an attentive throng,
That the custard was legal and fair,
But he shouted out strong, “She done me a wrong,
When she set it to cool on a chair!”
He had gone to her house to look over a hymn,
And the lady was busy at cooking;
And the musical pup, had followed her up,
And sat on the chair without looking.
And as he belabored and strove to explain
Snow eddied and swirled in the street;
And a man pulled a wire on the big tannery siren,
Which roared out the news of defeat.
The young chap awoke and was greatly relieved
To find that his trouble would keep;
And he muttered: “By gosh, what a lot of hog-wash,
Can come to a man in his sleep.”