Suzanne Stewart
Staff Writer
At age 40, Helen Woolridge decided to start her own business. She was working as an accounting clerk at Pocahontas Center, but she knew she was ready to become her own boss.
The business she established is Good Life Financial and in the past 40 years it has grown from being a one woman business to the fully-staffed financial planning and insurance agency.
“I continued my full-time job as accounting clerk at Pocahontas Center, but devoted evenings to seeing clients,” Woolridge said. “My target market of teachers and loggers meant meeting them at their kitchen table in their homes.”
Soon, Woolridge opened an office in Dunmore and was joined by LuAnn Creager who is a financial services specialist.
“I came to Pocahontas County and I was continuing my education and met [Helen] at the Women’s Club,” Creager said. “I said I’m about to receive my degree in finance and here I am in Pocahontas County. She said, you come to my office, I’ll show you what you can do with your finance degree.
“She was always a go getter and that’s how she built her business.”
Creager joined the business and received her investment license to also help Woolridge with the investment side of the business.
In 2010, the business moved from Dunmore to its current location in Green Bank beside Dollar General and it continues to provide financial advice to its customers.
“We are full service,” Creager said. “We’re independent which means we don’t have to just offer products from one company. We’re independent advisors and independent insurance agents. When people come in and they need something – life insurance, health insurance, small group business insurance, small group retirement plans, individual retirement plans – we’re able to tailor to their needs instead of trying to give them what one company offers.”
After nearly 40 years of dedicating her time to the people of Pocahontas County, Woolridge plans to retire in the fall, but that doesn’t mean there will be a gap in services.
Creager has been joined by the newly accredited agent Erica Arbogast, who started at the business in December 2024.
Creager first met with Arbogast as a client and, as Woolridge did for her, she told Arbogast that if she wanted to add something to her career, she could join the team at Good Life Financial.
“She’s quite intelligent,” Creager said of Arbogast. “She’s a nurse and she’s personable. She studied; she’s a go getter. She reminds me of a young Helen and young LuAnn. She stepped up and studied on her own and she received her insurance license.”
Arbogast plans to continue her career as a nurse at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, as well as being an agent with Good Life.
“She already has clients and we’re moving forward,” Creager said. “It’s perfect timing because Helen is retiring and now, I have Erica, so we’ll still have a full service Good Life Financial.”
In addition to the financial business bringing them together, the three business women have something else in common that Creager thinks helps them be good advisors for their clients.
“Helen worked at a doctor’s office before she got into insurance and financial services,” she said. “I worked in medical at a veterinarian office and Erica is a nurse. I really think that working in a medical atmosphere has helped all of us with insurance options for people. It helped me understand all the medications and illnesses. When people come in for their prescription drug plans and their needs, that really helped me pick the plan that was best for the person I was meeting with.”
The team is rounded out by Kim Jones, office manager, who keeps everything organized and in order.
“She is wonderfully organized and fantastic,” Creager said. “It’s a good team. I like to think of us as a team.”
Some may see them as a small team, but Creager said that’s a good thing. Clients will always be assured they are speaking to the same advisor every time they call or visit. Having that one-on-one connection is key to ensuring the best service possible.
“I feel like you can shop 1-800 numbers now for just about anything, but you will probably not speak to the same person twice,” she said. “You’re not going to get an in-depth evaluation of your needs. You’re going to get sold something.
“Good Life Financial is local,” she continued. “Erica is a Pocahontas County native. Helen is a Pocahontas County native. I’ve lived here since ’97. You can walk into our office and talk with us. You’re going to see the same person and talk to the same person you spoke with when you called. I want to offer options for people so they don’t have to call a 1-800 number.”
They also still make home – or business – visits for their clients. They have even expanded to serving clients in Randolph, Pendleton and Greenbrier counties.
As she looks back on her career, Woolridge is proud of what she has accomplished and said she knows she’s leaving the business in good hands with Creager and Arbogast.
“It has been a rewarding and fulfilling career,” she said.
Good Life Financial is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., although Creager says she often stays late. Creager and Arbogast are also available Saturday for meetings by appointment.
For more information, Good Life Financial may be contacted at 304-799-4828.