Tim Walker
AMR Reporter
Over the last several days, numerous emails have been sent and received in Pocahontas County expressing serious concerns that there will be cuts to the teaching staff at Pocahontas County High School in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (or STEM) classes. Specifically, it was mentioned in several emails that teachers at PCHS have been told that because of budget shortfalls next school year, there are impending eliminations of one Math position and one Science position, as well as of Dual Credit and Advanced Placement Math and Science courses.
Pocahontas County Schools Superintendent Lynne Bostic responded with the following:
Statement regarding personnel season:
“I appreciate this opportunity to explain the process that we follow during personnel season.
“According to West Virginia Code §18A-2-7(a) the superintendent must provide written notice to professional and service employees who are being considered for transfer, change in assignment, and/or dismissal. If a hearing is required, the hearing on a proposed transfer shall be held on or before May 1. The superintendent at a meeting of the Board on or before May 1, shall furnish in writing to the Board a list of teachers and other employees to be considered for transfer and subsequent assignment for the following school year.
“All personnel who are determined to be in excess will have an opportunity for a hearing on April 16 before a final decision is made by the Pocahontas County Board of Education.
“The proposed personnel decisions have not been made without extensive consideration for students, staff, and financial responsibilities. Our financial situation will change due to the conclusion of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds and to the possible reduction in National Forest funding.
“Again, I appreciate this opportunity to explain the process.”