Christine Sharp
Contributing Writer
The second annual “Spring Into Quilting” retreat, sponsored by Artcents and DebAnn’s Fabrics, was held May 4 and 5 at the old Campbelltown school.
By all accounts, it was a great success.
As class participants arrived they were warmly welcomed by this year’s instruc- tors, Diana Beverage and Debbie Walker. Friends greeted friends and newbies were introduced around the room. Folks focused on getting their machines and areas set up, selecting some refreshments and catching up with each other’s latest accomplishments.
Instruction began promptly at 9 a.m. Puff pastry quilt blocks and paper piecing were the first classes of the day and both classes were represented. The afternoon classes focused on hour-glass blocks and an interwoven star table runner which expanded participants’ understanding of paper piecing. The following day, class topics included making cathedral windows, making a mystery strip quilt and learning to sew with curves. All classes were challenging and oh, so rewarding! Whether you were learning new skills or honing your existing skills, everyone provided support and encouragement to one another on an as needed basis.
True story: At one point during one the classes, the intensity of the project was being felt by all.
Did folks become frustrated, stressed or quit?
Nope, someone sat down at the piano and started playing, and everyone broke out in song. It was priceless.
If you have ever attended a quilting retreat, you have likely experienced the wonderful joy and energy that results when a group of creative, like-minded people come together. If you haven’t had the opportunity to attend a retreat, let me share with you what you are missing.
You are missing out on the opportunity to totally focus on your passion – or what we hope will become your passion. You are missing out on the opportunity to make new friends, chat, laugh until you almost cry, share delicious meals, get new ideas and help each other with difficult patterns/projects. You are missing out on the comradery that comes with simply being in the presence of such creative people.
Such memories and friends were made that weekend. We simply can’t wait until the October “Fall Into Quilting” retreat.
Will we see you there?
We all hope so.