Suzanne Stewart
Staff Writer
Pocahontas County High School Class of 2024 was honored May 15 when members of the class received scholarships and awards.
The event is hosted by the National Honor Society which consists of seniors Jessica Armstrong, Mileya Bircher, Hannah Burks, Ashley Bussard, Clayton Burns, Elizabeth Friel, Taiylor Hoke, Olivia Vandevender and Kynlee Wilfong; and juniors Taylor Arnold, Florian Baudler, Ellena Bauserman, Kirsten Friel, Miranda Gum, Ella Markl, Willie O’Ganian, Ryleigh Parker, Caleb Ritter, Eden Smith, Addisyn Waddell and Courtney Waugh.
Elizabeth Friel received the Valedictorian Award for being the the top student in the class.
Salutatorian Kynlee Wilfong received the W.E. “Tweard” Blackhurt Award, which is given in memory of the noted conservationist, author and teacher.
Receiving medals for being honor graduates were Elizabeth Friel, Kynlee Wilfong, Hannah Burks, Olivia Vandevender, Jessica Armstrong, Taiylor Hoke, Correanna Jordan, Mileya Bircher, Madeline Ray, Ashley Bussard, Emily Loftis, Sabina Leyzorek, Katie Jack, Cheyenne Dean, Cameryn Boggs and Benjamin Lambert.
Senior Super Scholars are Andrea Alderman, Emily Arbogast, Jessica Armstrong, Mileya Bircher, Hannah Burks, Ashley Bussard, Cheyenne Dean, Elizabeth Friel, Taiylor Hoke, Katie Jack, Coreanna Jordan, Benjamin Lambert, Sabina Leyzorek, Emily Loftis, Madeline Ray, Cierra Sharp, Olivia Vandvender, Adelyn Warner and Kynlee Wilfong.
Students with faithful attendance with four or fewer days missed for the 2023-2024 school year were Luke Blechl, Remington Cook, Wyatt Hendrick, Correanna Jordan, Cody Lewis, Timmy Shifflett, Jersey Simmons and Madeline Ray.
Spanish teacher Shirlene Groseclose recognized Emily Loftis and Madeline Ray for being the first two recipients of the prestigious West Virginia Seal of Biliteracy. Both are also members of the National Spanish Honor Society.
The Orr Lee McMann award, presented in memory of the agricultural education teacher, went to Cheyenne Dean, Hanna Burks and Wyatt Hendrick.
Cierra Sharp received the Pocahontas County Humane Society Award.
The Workman Solutions Award was presented to Lane Butcher.
Civics teacher Anita Workman recognized the seniors who have enlisted to serve in the Armed Forces – Logan Warf, Army National Guard; Jersey Simmons, U.S. Navy; Timothy Shifflett, U.S. Navy, Remington Cook, U.S. Navy; and Christopher Williams, U.S. Air Force.
Lee Dean of the West Virginia Secretary of State’s office presented PCHS with the gold level Jennings Randolph Award for registering 100 percent of the senior class that is eligible to register to vote.
The CTE – Career and Technical Education – students received credentials and certificates and were recognized for being completers.
The NOCTI Workforce Competency Credential recognizes students who exceed National Standards on their respective content area test.
The NOCTI West Virginia Workforce Certificate recognizes students who successfully met the workforce entry-level score for their content area.
CTE students who score above a 70 percent on their NOCTI are eligible for three hours of college credit in their respective field.
Students who pass two random drug tests during the school year receive the Drug Free Credential.
CTE completers who have a 3.3 GPA or higher, exhibit strong character, leadership and community service are eligible to become members of the National Technical Honor Society
Adam Workman is a completer in forestry and career work skills training. He earned the drug free credential.
Adelyn Warner is a completer in culinary. She also participated in the EMT program. She earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential and EMT certification.
Aleea Carr is a completer in agriculture and career work skills training. She also participated in the EMT program. She earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential, NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate, drug free credential and EMT certification.
Andrea Alderman is a completer in information management. She earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential.
Ashley Bussard is a completer in career work skills training. She also participated in the EMT program. She earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential and EMT certification and is a member of the National Technical Honor Society.
Benjamin Lambert is a completer in carpentry and career work skills training. He earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential, NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate, college credit and drug free credential.
Cheyenne Dean is a completer in agriculture and career work skills training. She earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential and NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate.
Christopher Williams is a completer in welding. He earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential and NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate.
Cody Lewis is a completer in agriculture. He earned the NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate.
Elijah Evans is a completer in welding and career work skills training. He earned the NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate and NOCTI workforce competency credential.
Emilynn Hall is a completer in career work skills training. She earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential and NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate.
Gavin Harrison is a completer in information management. He earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential.
Hailey Meeks is a completer in agriculture. She earned the drug free credential.
Hannah Burks is a completer in agriculture. She earned the NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate and EMT certification, and is also a member of the National Technical Honor Society.
Hannah Williams is a completer in information management.
Hayden Walker is a completer in agriculture. He earned the drug free credential.
Jacob Arbogast is a completer in welding and career work skills training. He earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential, NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate and drug free credential.
Jeremie Mick is a completer in forestry and career work skills training. He earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential and NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate.
Jersey Simmons is a completer in culinary and career work skills training. She earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential and NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate.
Jessica Armstrong is a completer in agriculture. She earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential, NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate, college credit and is a member of the National Technical Honor Society.
Joey Cassell is a completer in carpentry.
Jordan Jackson is a completer in forestry. He earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential, NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate and drug free credential.
Kristopher Arbogast is a completer in welding. He earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential, NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate, college credit and drug free credential.
Lacey Stewart is a completer in culinary. She earned college credit.
Lane Butcher is a completer in forestry and career work skills training. He earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential, NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate and drug free credential.
Logan Warf is a completer in carpentry and career work skills training. He earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential, NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate and drug free credential.
Luke Blechl is a completer in information management.
Mackenna Shinaberry is a completer in career work skills training. She earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential and NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate.
Mileya Bircher is a completer in information management. She is a member of the National Technical Honor Society.
Nicholas Loudermilk is a completer in agriculture and career work skills training. He earned drug free credential.
Olivia Vandevender is a completer in information management. She earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential, NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate and is a member of the National Technical Honor Society.
Paige Vandevender is a completer in agriculture.
Remington Cook is a completer in carpentry.
Stone Hall is a completer in career work skills training. He earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential and NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate.
Taiylor Hoke is a completer in culinary. She earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential, NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate, college credit and is a member of the National Technical Honor Society.
Timothy Shifflett is a completer in welding and information management. He earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential, NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate and college credit.
Wyatt Hendrick is a completer in forestry. He earned the NOCTI workforce competency credential, NOCTI West Virginia workforce certificate and drug free credential.
Forestry teacher Scott Garber presented the Lyndsee Gay Lambert Memorial Scholarship to Wyatt Hendrick.
Receiving the PROMISE Scholarship were Jessica Armstrong, Cameryn Boggs, Clayton Burns, Ashley Bussard, Elizabeth Friel, Sabina Leyzorek, Emily Loftis, Madeline Ray, Olivia Vandevender, Kynlee Wilfong and Benjamin Withers.
West Virginia State University honored the following students for completing six or more hours of dual enrollment classes and maintaining a 2.5 GPA or higher – Jessica Armstrong, Clayton Burns, Elizabeth Friel, Sabina Leyzorek and Kynlee Wilfong.
WVU 4-H Development Extension Agent Luci Mosesso recognized the following 4-H honor graduates – Jessica Armstrong, Elizabeth Friel, Kynlee Wilfong, Andrea Alderman and Hannah Burks.
Mosesso also presented scholarships from West Virginia University to Clayton Burns, Cierra Sharp, Gavin Walls, Bejamin Withers and Mileya Bircher.
Glenville State University presented scholarships to Luke Blechl, Wyatt Hendrick, Hailey Meeks, Adelyn Warner, Benjamin Withers, Cody Lewis, Taiylor Hoke and Jessica Armstrong.
Fairmont State University presented scholarships to Cameryn Boggs, Adelyn Warner and Jersey Simmons.
Billy McCormick of Northeast Texas Community College presented Hannah Burks with the National Rodeo Association scholarship.
The Joe Walker Scholarship was presented to Benjamin Lambert.

The Seneca Woodlands Women’s Club and Marlinton Woman’s Club jointly present a scholarship to a young woman pursuing a four-year degree. This year’s finalists were Mileya Bircher, Ashley Bussard and Elizabeth Friel. Friel received the scholarship.
The Joseph R. Steffl Scholarship, awarded by the Tucker Community Foundation, was presented to Elizabeth Friel.
The Snowshoe Foundation awarded scholarships to Mileya Bircher, Elizabeth Friel, Taiylor Hoke, Emily Loftis, Cierra Sharp and Christy Casey.
Taiylor Hoke received the Pendleton Community Bank Scholarship.
The Davis Health System Foundation Scholarship was presented to Elizabeth Friel.
Receiving the Dr. Charles Glen Shinaberry Scholarship and Dr. Mary Tibitha Moore Shinaberry Public Trust Scholarship are Mileya Bircher, Hannah Burks, Ashley Bussard, Clayton Burns, Elizabeth Friel, Emily Loftis, Sabina Leyzorek, Madeline Ray, Adelyn Warner and Kynlee Wilfong.
The Emma S. Beard Memorial Scholarship was presented to Cody Lewis, Jadyn Lane, Ben Lambert and Jeremie Mick.
Hannah Burks received the Braelynn Peteete Scholarship.
Wesley Felton and Andrew Morrison of Empower Appalachia presented the inaugural Empower Appalachia STEM Scholarship to Hannah Burks.
Hannah Burks also received the Dorothy “Dotsy” S. Fraker Memorial FFA Scholarship.
The Pocahontas County FFA Scholarship was presented to Jessica Armstrong and Hannah Burks.
Taylor Friel received the Raymond and Eva Shrader Scholarship.
The Ora Belle Thompson Sharp Scholarship went to Mileya Bircher.
The Alice Rowan Waugh Memorial Scholarship was presented to Elizabeth Friel.
Ashley Bussard received the Beulah Moore Memorial Scholarship.
Cierra Sharp and Gavin Walls received the Clark and Helen Brumagin Memorial Scholarship.
The Gay and Becky Shinaberry Scholarship was presented to Mileya Bircher.
Ashley Bussard received the Greenbrier Valley Medical Center Allied Health Scholarship.
The Greenbrier Valley Community Foundation added a new scholarship this year, in memory of Charles Sheets, who recently passed away. Sheets was a member of the Greenbrier Valley Economic Development Corporation, the Durbin Lions Club and was a businessman in Green Bank for decades.
The Charles Sheets Memorial Scholarship was presented to Hannah Burks.
Jessica Armstrong, Kynlee Wilfong, Madeline Ray and Mileya Bircher received the Greenbrier Valley Community Foundation Scholarship.
The Lindsey N. Raines Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Clayton Burns, Gavin Walls, Luke Blechl and Madeline Ray.
Jessica Armstrong received the Michael J. Porter STEM Scholarship.
Mileya Bircher was presented the Norval E. Waugh Memorial Scholarship.
Mileya Bircher also received the H.A. Yeager Scholarship.
The Virgil and Macel Harris Scholarship was presented to Elizabeth Friel.
The Dr. Roland P. Sharp Family Memorial Scholarship was presented to Olivia Vandevender and Mackenna Shinaberry.
Nature’s Mountain Classroom director Tracey Valach recognized Andrea Alderman and Hannah Burks for their help and dedication to the Leadership Pocahontas program.
At the end of the event, the National Honor Society introduced the officers for the 2024-2025 school year – president, Eden Smith; vice president, Ella Markl; secretary, Kirsten Friel; and treasurer, Taylor Arnold.