Cast Members of the 1973 production of “Our Town.” The three-act play by Thornton Wilder was produced by Frances Eskridge and performed by The Pioneer Players during Pioneer Days at Marlinton United Methodist Church. Front row, l to r: Ruby Michael, Willard Eskridge (behind), Sally Evans, Pam Sharpes, Lee McLaughlin, Kay Roy, Bobby Myers, Dave Sharpes (seated), Frances Eskridge (seated), Butch Michael, Kenneth Nottingham, Pearl Smith (behind), Debbie Faulkner (behind), Fred VanNostran, Francis McElwee, Mary White Simmons, Houston Simmons. Back row, l to r: Gary Crawford, Herbert McClure, Nancy Burks, Joyce Wilfong, Steve Weatherholt, Cornell Moore, Wally McNabb, Sally Nottingham, Eugene Simmons, Mike McLaughlin, Ronnie VanReenan. This photograph was taken on July 11, 1973 by Tom Evans, Commerce Photography, Charleston, W.Va. (Preserving Pocahontas Archives; ID: PHP008281)
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If you have historical records or photographs to be scanned for the county Historical Archive contact Preservation Officer B. J. Gudmundsson at 304-799-3989 or email info@pocahontaspreservation.org Prints of photographs are available.