Durbin Eighth Grade Graduation Class Trip to the State Capitol in Charleston, West Virginia, in 1950. Mr. Bob Vance contributed this photo to our archives and remembers that Principal Max Poscover organized the trip, as he did for every graduation class during his tenure. 1st Row, l-r: Shirley Peck, Connie Wilfong, Phyllis Myers, James (John) Beard, Betty Wagoner, Fred Davis, George Moore, Bobby Vance, Gilbert Rexrode, Clifford Cromer. 2nd Row, l-r: Phyllis Greathouse, Betty Young, Doreen Simmons, Charles Sheets, Dale Raines, Nancy Judy, Billie Lawson, Margaret Vint, Charles (Bob) Wimer, Jennings Wright, June Hughes. 3rd Row, l-r: Lucille Meeks, Nancy Varner, Jim Shifflett, Marvin (June) Helmick Jr., Elbert Whanger, Leonard Beverage, Howard Collins, Joe Baylor, Lester Bodkins, Frank Nelson, Alfred Sutton. Back, l-r: Kenton (KB) Wilmoth, 8th Grade Advisor; Max Poscover, Principal. (Courtesy of Bob Vance; ID: PHP007557)
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If you have historical records or photographs to be scanned for the county Historical Archive contact Preservation Officer B. J. Gudmundsson at 304-799-3989 or email info@pocahontaspreservation.org Prints of photographs are available.