George Solter’s cabin at Camp Island Ford on the Greenbrier River in Seebert, W.Va. The photo was taken in July 1936 by family members who were there on vacation. Camp Island Ford was owned by George Solter’s brother, Dr. Harry Solter, who practiced medicine in Pocahontas County for many years. There was a house, cabins, horse stable and a tennis court. Please contact Preserving Pocahontas if you have stories or recollections about the Camp. (Courtesy of Estelle K. Tulloss Wagner, George and Harry Solter Collection, Pocahontas Co. Historical Society; ID: PHS004678)
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If you have historical records or photographs to be scanned for the county Historical Archive contact Preservation Officer B. J. Gudmundsson at 304-799-3989 or email info@pocahontaspreservation.org Prints of photographs are available.