Fire in the Hole! Dynamite shatters the base of the 150-foot International Shoe Co. smokestack in Marlinton, W.Va. on January 8, 1976 to make room for a new plant. Joe Laskey, 35, of Marlinton, won the right to dynamite the stack in a Charleston Daily Mail Contest. The photograph is from the Associated Press. (Pocahontas Co. Historical Society Collection, ID: PHS004373)
I’m ringing in the New Year by sharing my favorite quote from the venerable former Editor of The Pocahontas Times, Calvin W. Price: “Another year has come and gone and the planet is still spinning through space. We don’t know where we’re going, but we’re on our way!”
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If you have photographs or documents to be scanned for the county Historical Archive contact Preservation Officer B. J. Gudmundsson at 304-799-3989 or email info@pocahontaspreservation.org Prints of photographs from the archives are available.