Thursday, May 13, 1897
CUBA and Spain are still at it. Spain can never vanquish these brave Cubans. It is high time that the United States stepped in and put a stop to the slaughter of these brave men. When one patriot is killed, ten will spring up and take his place. These Cubans are fighting for their homes – for honor – and they will win.
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ONE of the most awful things happened here last Sunday. All the beauties of the town walked in their new spring hats, tan shoes, and trimmings, with their escorts. While in the fastness of the mountain known as Kee’s Hollow, a tremendous shower came up suddenly and the new hats and spring dresses got the worst of it.
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A FATAL accident occurred last Saturday near Christiansburg, Va. Two sons of Robert Collins’ were hunting and ran a ground squirrel into a hollow log. Both looked into the log from either end. The older boy, aged eighteen, shot into the log with his pistol and instantly killed his younger brother, aged sixteen, who was looking into the log from the other end.
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KEMP JOHNSON, aged about fifteen, was badly bitten by his own dog last week, a large and powerful black brute, that has long been regarded as dangerous. Some boys had located a rabbit in a brush pile and were trying to dislodge it with sticks and stones. By accident the dog was hit by one of the stones and turned on his master and pulling him to the ground, bit him savagely on the arm. A younger brother probably saved him from terrible injuries by beating the dog with an ax.
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ROBERTS, who beat his wife, has obtained thro his attorneys, Rucker and McNeill, a statement as to hereditary insanity in his family. The certificate states that Richard Roberts, the father of the prisoner, was an inmate in the Western Insane Asylum, of Pennsylvania, for five years. A letter from the Superintendent brings the information that Richard Roberts was, at times, violent; one of his most notable freaks being to have possessed himself of a sledge hammer and to have destroyed all the tombstones in a country church yard in one night.
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IN ORDER that the reader may be reliably informed as to what kind of a shine a young horse will cut when he has a tin bucket tied to his tail, we give the true particulars that led to Loyd Moore’s selling a horse last week.
John Gay and Hammond Mann made the experiment at Col. Levi Gay’s place, Wednesday week. The young horse came loafing around and the boys got a tin bucket and tied it to the horse’s tail and put two rocks in it, having previously pointed the horse in the direction of Marlinton. The horse went off immediately, trying to outrun the bucket. He missed the ford at Stony Creek and turned a complete summerset in a deep hole in that creek and remained under the water for a moment. He got out and made for Marlinton as fast as ever. The bucket toughed it out for a half a mile, but then gave up the chase. The horse managed to cut himself badly and otherwise bruise and destroy himself. To keep down a fuss, the boys bought the horse at $45 and they have ceased tying things to his tail, but have dressed his wounds, having satisfied their curiosity. Thus peace spared her pinions, and a lawsuit was averted.
Those interested will hereby take notice not to plant any corn, vegetables or any plant whatsoever that may be injured by the frost and snow that will come on the night of the 31st of May this year. Our attention has been called to the fact that the sign is in the neck on the 31st of May, and when this is the case, snow, sleet and frost is the result.
The conjunction of the planets on this date, according to Pythagorns, Hippocrates, Diocles and Avicenna, is conducive of great dangers and inconveniences to agriculture and whenever it so happens it takes care to blight the meadows and pastures, chill and destroy the newly sheared sheep, give the fattening cattle a back set, cause the fruit to drop from the trees, blight the garden, and frost the corn and encourage the depredations of the copperas worm, blast the wheat and work wreck and ruin generally.
Do not let your skepticism make you one of those unhappy persons whose faith is too weak to be warned by the significance of the signs vouchsafed to the astrologer, whose eyes are able to penetrate the starry spheres and discern therein the decrees of heaven at a distance. Such have their hearts barred against conviction by prejudice and misprision.
“O, agriculture, see! Trust thine own eyes.
A fearful sign stands in the almanac,
An enemy; a fiend lurks close behind
The radiance of thy planet – O, be warned,
The sign is in the neck, and that is where
You’ll get it.” ~ Schiller