Thursday, August 3, 1922
Pocahontas Home Coming
At the County Fair
August 22nd, 1922
Meet and greet your friends and kin on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the founding of the County on the first day of the Fair.
Pocahontas County was formed by Act of the Assembly of Virginia in 1822. To commemorate the event, the first day of the County Fair has been set aside as Home Coming Day. It is hoped that then the lost children of Pocahontas will gather home to pay that long deferred visit to their mother County.
Write to your moved-away friends and relatives to come visiting back home. ~ T. S. McNeel, Manager.
This event could not be more appropriately observed than by an invitation to all of the native sons and daughters, and their descendants, heirs, etc., who have left their native hearth to come back home for a day.
Thursday, August 3, 1911
Last Wednesday morning, nine of Pat Gay’s best sheep were found dead in the pasture. Examination showed they had died where they had laid down to sleep, and without a struggle, in the open pasture, not far from the shade and water. One was cut open and the lights were shown to be affected, and the “swallow” had all the appearance of a case of blackleg. In speaking with a veterinarian about the matter, he said he had never seen a sheep affected in the way described, but had read of sheep having a similar affliction as blackleg in cattle. The disease could be prevented by vaccination.
Mr. Gay has as good a flock of sheep as is to be found anywhere. He has taken special care in breeding and grading his sheep, and he now has 350 high grade sheep by crossing the Shropshire and Southdown breeds. His pasture is of the best, there having been plenty of rain on Williams River all summer long, with a well watered and well shaded range.
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Last Thursday evening, the evening mail pouch at Stony Bottom came up missing. This is a flag station, and the pouch is hung on a pole. Before the passenger train a freight passed by, and it was noticed the pouch was gone. Some bystanders were sure they had seen a man reach out from a box car door and take the sack from the rack. It was known that the pouch contained valuable mail matter. Paris D. Yeager, special railway officer, was notified and he searched the freight train, finding several tramps whom he arrested, but there was no sign of the missing pouch. However, there was no empty box car from which a man could have reached the mail pouch, and looking for a projection which could have knocked the mail bag off, Mr. Yeager found it upon the engine and behind it the missing pouch. This instance shows the dangers of circumstantial evidence. Had the pouch fallen beside the track and been opened by the wheels, there would have been a damaging case against the vagrants who were only stealing a ride – a sin considered of small moment by the people generally.
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M. J. McNeel had a valuable horse killed in a gate Sunday. The animal was being led through the gate, which closed upon it, causing the animal to jump and impale himself on the latch bar.
Dr. H. W. McNeel was kicked on his right leg by his horse Saturday, and painfully hurt. He was at Watoga, and went in behind his horse without speaking to him. In falling he sprained his other ankle badly.
George Edgar, of Academy, is in Baltimore at the Pasteur Institute taking the prescribed course for treatment for the prevention of hydrophobia. He had been doctoring a sick steer, which afterwards developed rabies, and feared that he might become infected through scratches on his hand. He is nearly through with the course and is now practically immune from rabies.
The $5.00 gold piece at Kelmenson’s sale was drawn by Uriah Beverage yesterday evening. The lucky number was 923. A number of draws were necessary on account of the holders of the corresponding numbers were not present.
Traffic is tied up on the Coal & Iron by a cave-in at Glady. Dirt, trees and stones filled the tunnel a week ago and it is expected to require another week’s work to clear it.
Ground has been broken for a fine residence of W. B. Sharp in the new addition near B. M. Yeager’s. W. W. Kennison has the contract.
The venerable Aaron Ryder died at his home at Frost last Tuesday, aged seventy-nine years.
Dick Smith and Clarence Dunsmore caught 17 bass and 13 fine catfish at Buckeye Thursday night.
Editor Times:
We had the pleasure of attending a unique party, given by “Mother Eakle,” proprietress of the Eagle Hotel at Cass, to her boarders exclusively, Sunday, July 30. She took us to a beautiful little grove near Marlinton, known as Stony Creek Grove, where an elaborate dinner and supper was served a la finger style. Everyone of the party had a jolly good time, and we wish to express our appreciation to Mother for her kindness, and her ability to entertain a stag party. ~ XX