Thursday, July 12, 1928
Last Wednesday, July 4, the Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park was dedicated in due form. Governor Howard M. Gore received it for the people of the State of West Virginia from Hon. John D. Sutton, Chairman of the legislative commission…
The crowd is estimated at ten thousand people. While the greatest number of those present were from Pocahontas and Greenbrier counties, there were many people from other West Virginia counties and the adjoining State of Virginia. It was one of the largest crowds to assemble in Pocahontas county. It, perhaps, equaled the number of men engaged in the Battle of Droop Mountain…
Among the veterans present were M. J. McNeel, N. D. McCoy, R. F. Diehl, of the confederate army; J. W. Tyler, J. D. Sutton and Peter McCarty, of the Union army.
There were more than a thousand automobiles in the Park Wednesday. The traffic was handled and the cars parked with military precision by members of Marlinton Post of the American Legion. State Trooper Jack Tidd had the assistance of a squad in handling things.
So great was the crowd that only a few thousand people could get within hearing of the speakers…
Starting July 10, 1928, the library of Mary McClintic will be open for the use of the public for the summer months. Miss Ann Davis Edgar will be in charge from one o’clock to three every afternoon.
Wheeler Simmons, aged 49 years, died at the Memorial Hospital in Marlinton Saturday, July 7, 1928. The cause of his death was diabetes. The funeral service was conducted from Marvin Chapel near Millpoint Sunday afternoon by Rev. S. R. Neel, pastor of the Marlinton Methodist Church and Rev. Mr. Kercofe of Seebert. Burial in the Ruckman graveyard.
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The sudden death of John F. Moss on Sunday, July 1 came as a shock to his many friends and relatives. Mr. Moss had apparently been enjoying good health and his death was quite unexpected. He was found in his chair on the front porch of his home shortly after noon. He probably had sat down for a nap as was his custom and passed on quietly without waking. Byers Moss was just starting for the home of his father when notified of his death.
Mr. Moss was in his 71st year. He was born in Braxton county February 17, 1858, but the greater part of his life was spent in Pocahontas county. Mr. Moss was buried Monday afternoon, July 2, in the Buckley graveyard or Bucks Run…
Mr. Moss is survived by six children, Mrs. Jim Workman, Misses Maggie and Daisy Moss, and Byers John and Homer. He is survived also by twelve grandchildren.
A large crowd gathered Sunday afternoon at the Stony Bottom Church and organized a community singing organization. John H. Doyle was elected Chairman, L. O. Shields, president; W. C. Lindsay, Treasurer; Mrs. I. B. Bumgarden, song leader; John H. Doyle, assistant song Lead-er; Mrs Mary Hevener, secretary; and I. B. Bumgard- ner, reporter.
The intention of this organization is to develop the young talent of the community and brighten up the old singers. It seems that singing has been more or less neglected during these fast times. Singing promotes health, causes deep thought and is good for the soul, and it is hoped that all interested will help keep the organization going.
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Lee Bussard, of Stony Bottom lays claim to shearing the best fleece of wool of the season. This fleece which weighed 16 1/2 pounds was sheared from a pet sheep and the fleece was sold to The Peoples Store and Supply Company. At the high price paid for wool this year, this sheep is certainly a profitable one.
They called her a soulless “gold –digger” but …
Do you remember the sensational breach of promise suit a few years ago, by a humble flower girl against her young millionaire lover and his wealthy mother? At the trial, many ugly charges were hurled at the girl. She was called a “gold-digger,” a blackmailer, a shameless creature who loved only money and the luxury money could buy.
But when, in a voice broken by sobs, she told her pitiful story, men, hardened to sorrow, wiped their eyes furtively – women in the courtroom wept aloud.
Then came the dramatic and unlooked for conclusion. An unexpected witness was called to the stand – and in ten words hurled into the tense silence of the crowded courtroom, a bombshell reverberated to the ends of the earth.
Most people were stunned by the unexpected outcome of the trial. Even today, few suspect that true history of the event behind that tremendous drama of intrigue, suffering and deathless love.
But now the entire story has been told by the girl who was the central figure in that amazing drama. Told in words that will bring tears to your eyes – tears of joy, of sorrow, of understanding and sympathy.
Don’t miss this throbbing narrative from life, “The No-Account Girl,” in the August issue of True Story Magazine.
Contents for August:
Men of My Heart; Shattered Souls; My Sister’s Sin; Forbidden Pleasures; Three Loves; J Played with Fire; Her Double Betrayal; and several other stories.
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