New Option for PMH Patient Identity Theft Protection
Pocahontas Memorial Hospital is partnering with CrossChx, a leader in healthcare intelligence solutions, to offer patients an advanced new option to protect against personal medical identity theft. The system works by scanning a patient’s finger, instantly verifying their medical identity and linking them to their medical benefits so no one else can use them. In addition, the new program will eliminate duplicate records and improve patient outcomes.
Nationwide, medical identity theft is on the rise, and it is estimated that Americans spend $40 billion annually on medical identity theft. On a personal level, it is possible for someone to find or steal your health insurance card and use it to get treatment, all while posing as you. This new option at PMH will prevent that from happening because your medical identity will be instantly verified at registration through your finger print.
In two years, this new technology from CrossChx has protected more than six million patient identities at other healthcare systems. PMH staff is working hard to offer this additional safeguard for patients, but the program is entirely voluntary and is not required to receive care. This new protection will be available beginning Tuesday, November 18.
FREE Healthy Cooking Demonstration
To celebrate American Diabetes Month and raise awareness of the risks of diabetes, you are invited to attend a free healthy cooking demonstration at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, November 18. Get tips on staying healthy through the holiday season, sample some new healthy dishes, and come away with free recipes, giveaway bags and door prizes.
The cooking demonstration will be held in conjunction with the Diabetes Support Group that meets monthly at PMH, but everyone is invited to join us for this fun and educational evening from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the PMH Dining Room.