MRIs to begin at PMH May 3
Pocahontas Memorial Hospital is pleased to announce that MRI services will now be available on a weekly basis at its facility. Through the use of a brand new, state of the art mobile GE unit, MRIs will be available each Tuesday at PMH.
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a diagnostic imaging procedure that combines a powerful magnetic field, radio waves and computer technology to provide detailed images of tissues, muscles, nerves and bones. Because MRI scans use magnetic force and radio waves to create images, there is no radiation exposure like with X-rays during the procedure. MRIs are often used instead of CTs to study soft tissues or organs because bones do not obscure the organs and soft tissues as they do with CT imaging.
Radiologists can use MRI scans to assess everything from ruptured discs in the spine to detecting brain tumors and vascular diseases.
“With wait times at other facilities sometimes taking weeks, we are so excited to provide this much needed service to our community!” said Michelle Deeds, Director of Nursing and Clinical Services.
An order and insurance authorization by referring provider is required prior to scheduling.
Tests may be scheduled by contacting the PMH Radiology Department at 304-799-7400 ext. 1305.