Pocahontas Memorial Hospital held its Annual Christmas Dinner December 6 at Marlinton United Methodist Church. More than 100 employees and their families, board members and special guests came out to celebrate the season and recognize staff receiving Service Awards.
Continuing what has become a PMH tradition, instead of a gift exchange, attendees brought toys to donate to the Family Resource Network’s Project Christmas to help families in need throughout the county.
Chief Nursing Officer Kerrie Ridgeway, and PMH Board of Trustees member Sharon Moore presented service awards to a large group of deserving individuals, with some major milestones marked this year:
Five-Year Service Awards: Vickie Cassell, Edwina Garber, Leslie Goldizen, Barbara Lay, William Liebman, Tonya Redmond, Greg Taylor, Mary Walkup, Chance Walther and Angela Williamson.
10-Year Service Awards: Sara Casto and Sally Parks.
15-Year Service Awards: Reba Arbogast, Lori Hunt and Mike Riggsby.
20-Year Service Award: Ernestine Pollard.
25-Year Service Award: Wanessa Cassell.
30-Year Service Award: Terry Wagner.
35-Year Service Award: Kathy Irvine.
At this time of Christmas, Pocahontas Memorial Hospital wants to thank all employees for their commit- ment to the hospital and patients of this community. PMH is also deeply appreciative of the support this community gives to the hospital.