Pocahontas Memorial Hospital is pleased to announce that it has selected Mary Beth Barr, of Petersburg, as its next Chief Executive Officer.
Barr will replace current CEO Barbara Lay who will retire October 1, 2018.
Barr was selected from a nationwide search that began in April and included written, telephone and on-site interviews. The top three candidates were interviewed in person at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital (PMH) by a Search Committee made up of board members, administrative leaders and staff. Included in the final round of interviews were tours and introductions to all hospital departments, providing an opportunity for employees to provide feedback to the committee of their first impressions.
By a unanimous vote at its June meeting, the Board of Trustees selected Barr to lead the hospital as its next CEO.
“The Board is pleased to find a new CEO with Mary Beth Barr’s experience and qualifications,” Board Chair Janet Ghigo told staff. “We look forward to working with her to make sure PMH continues to be a quality facility of which all residents of Pocahontas County can be proud.”
Barr has spent her entire professional career working in West Virginia healthcare. Coming from a nursing background, she served as the Director of Nursing/Director of Patient Services at Grant Memorial Hospital for eight years. She then moved into the role of Chief Operating Officer and after two years she was selected to serve as the Chief Executive Officer, a position she held for seven years. Barr has also served on the Board and as Treasurer for the West Virginia Hospital Association (WVHA), the West Virginia Center for Nursing, and was the WVHA Delegate to the American Hospital Association Regional Policy Board. She has been very active in her community by participating in the Grant County Chamber of Commerce, Main Street United Metho-dist Church Administrative Council, and the Petersburg Interfaith Food Pantry.
“I believe Mary Beth Barr will bring knowledge and experience to Pocahontas Memorial Hospital that will be a tremendous benefit for the hospital and the people we serve,” CEO Lay said. “She is well respected in the healthcare industry, and she has been a leader resource for me during my own career.”
“I am pleased, honored, and humbled to accept this opportunity and join the team/family at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital,” Barr said. “A successful team beats with one heart, and I am excited to assist in leading the organization through the complexity of providing quality healthcare. It was very evident to me that everyone connected to PMH shares a desire to be successful, while simultaneously displaying sincere kindness and passion in everything they do.”