Amy Kelley, PharmD, has recently taken on the role of Diabetes Educator at Pocahontas Memorial Hospital following the retirement of long-time educator Terry Wagner. Wagner was instrumental in establishing the nationally accredited “B-N Charge” diabetes education program at PMH and beginning its well-known programs including diabetes cooking classes and the popular Diabetes Support Group.
“I feel good leaving the program in Amy’s hands,” Wagner said. “She cares about this community.”
Kelley is a Pocahontas County native and Pocahontas County High School graduate. She attended West Virginia University School of Pharmacy and received her doctorate in pharmacy. She continued her education by completing a PGY-1 pharmacy residency at Cabell Huntington Hospital. Kelley returned to Pocahontas County and began working at Rite Aid, later Walgreens. She has worked on a part-time basis for several years as a Clinical Pharmacist at PMH and is excited to add this new role to her duties. She is married to Billy Kelley and the couple live in Minnehaha Springs with their children.
Kelley is currently working toward her certification as a Diabetes Educator, which is a national certification backed up by education, training and work- related experience to help people with diabetes live healthy and productive lives.
If you have diabetes, do not feel that you are alone in treating and managing your disease. Kelley can help you develop a personal meal and exercise plan; as well as explain how your medication works and when to take it. Managing diabetes will be different for each person depending on age, school or work schedule, activity and exercise level, eating habits and any special medical conditions. Blood sugar monitoring is an extremely important part of successfully managing diabetes and Kelley can help you learn what type of meter to buy and how to use it. If you just need some help and support in understanding diabetes, she is always more than willing to empathize and help.
Too often, folks who have just been diagnosed with diabetes think they can never eat sweets or bread again. And because of this misconception – or lack of education – many people with diabetes shun diabetes management and treatment altogether. With the proper self-management and moderation, diabetes does not have to be an “all or nothing” kind of lifestyle. Learning how to properly control diabetes can prevent many long-term health complications like heart disease and heart attack, nerve damage, kidney failure, blindness, foot damage, Osteoporosis, hearing loss and Alzheimer’s.
“B-N-Charge” diabetes self-management classes will give you the knowledge and skills to control diabetes and are suitable for those just diagnosed or who have had diabetes for years. Topics include medication, nutrition, exercise, foot care, family involvement, social support, self-monitoring, prevention of complications, community services, behavioral change strategies and stress tips. The classes are Medicare-covered and are also covered by most health insurance plans. A provider referral is required; but please call Amy Kelley at 304-799-7400 ext. 1032 with any questions or for a referral form.