Suzanne Stewart
Staff Writer
At Monday evening’s Marlinton Town Council meeting, council discussed several issues and swiftly addressed the packed agenda.
Town resident and business owner Crystal Dean approached council with questions about the Marlinton Housing Authority, and said she is interested in working on the authority to help community businesses and residents.
Dean provided a list of seven names of individuals who are also interested in serving on the Housing Authority. Caroline Sharp asked if there was an advertisement in the newspaper asking for volunteers because she did not remember seeing any.
Sharp said she would also like to be considered to serve on the Housing Authority.
Council discussed the issue and said it is important to have a Housing Authority in town, especially now with the influx of new businesses and residents wanting to settle within town limits.
Councilmember Joe Smith said he would place an ad in The Pocahontas Times asking for those interested in the Housing Authority to contact the town office.
Council also discussed two issues that were tabled until the next meeting due to a lack of sufficient information to make a decision. The Setback Ordinance was mentioned because when it was revised in 2009, the revisions were penciled in and the ordinance was not retyped.
While the ordinance was being revised, there were also updates made to the penalties, which were not in hand at the meeting. Council chose to table a vote on the ordinance until all the information was included in the revised version.
Garbage fees were also tabled until September, but council did warn that there will be an increase in fees due to the landfill fees increasing.
In other business, council approved:
• second reading of Ordinance Prohibiting the Use of Recreational Vehicles and Tents as Permanent Dwellings.
• first reading of the Ordinance Amending Business and Occupation Tax.
• first reading of Ordinance Implementing Sales and Use Tax.
• Sewer System Improvement Project agreement with Department of the Army Corps of Engineers, letter of intent, resolution and non-federal sponsor’s self-certification of financial capability for decision documents and agreements.
• to pursue selling two lots on 4th Avenue with a minimum bid of $30,000.
• to purchase cameras for Second and Third avenues pending an agreement with the Marlinton Presbyterian Church on location and tree trimming.
Marlinton Town Council meets the first Monday of each month, excluding holidays, at 7 p.m. in the Marlinton Municipal Building auditorium. The public is welcome to attend in person or online through a Zoom link.