Jaynell Graham
Monday night’s Marlinton Town Council meeting was short on action, but the action that was taken will last a lifetime.
Representing Pocahontas County Viet Nam Veterans of America, Chapter 1100, councilmember Norris Long presented a resolution from the veterans group requesting that the bridge over the Greenbrier River at Marlinton be named the “Pocahontas County Veterans Memorial Bridge.”
Recorder BJ Gudmundsson read the resolution in its entirety, councilmember Sue Helton moved that it be adopted, seconded by councilmenber Mark Strauss. With the unanimous vote of council, the process began in this week leading into Veterans Day.
“This has been in the process for a long time,” Long said. “[Delegate] Bill Hartman has been helping us with it.”
The resolution reads in part:
“Requesting that bridge number 38-39-21.66 on West Virginia State Route 39, crossing the Greenbrier River in Marlinton, Pocahontas County, West Virginia, be named the ‘Pocahontas County Veterans Memorial Bridge.’
WHEREAS: West Virginians have always been at the forefront of serving in the military forces; and
WHEREAS: West Virginia casualties since World War II is over 7,397 service personnel; and
WHEREAS: There are in excess of 173,000 West Virginians currently serving in the military service; and
WHEREAS: Pocahontas County had the highest per capita casualty rate in the Vietnam War; and
WHEREAS: The public awareness that Pocahontas County Veterans should be recognized; therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Town Council for the Town of Marlinton, by a majority vote do support the efforts of the Pocahontas County Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 1100…
Further resolved, that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to have made and places on the bridge signs identifying it…”
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In other matters, Mayor Sam Felton reported that the paving at Mountain View Cemetery is complete, and that finish work is in process.
Felton also reported that Mark Mitchell has completed repairs to the Knapps Creek wall near the water plant.
Long reported that the Urban Deer Hunt has had more registrants to-date than last year, but the harvest rates are down.
The Abandoned and Junked Property Ordinance is nearing completion. Long and town attorney Bob Martin have met to incorporate the aspects of the state law, which was revised and effective July 1, 2017.
As its last act of the evening, council accepted a deed from B. Stephen Smith and his wife, conveying their percentage of interest in Courtney Avenue to the Town of Marlinton.
Marlinton Town Council meets the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in council chambers on the second floor of the municipal building.