The Pocahontas County High School class of 2014 was the center of attention at the Senior Awards Night Thursday evening. Members of the class were presented scholarships and awards for their academic, athletic and vocational achievements.
Valedictorian Fredricah Gardner was presented the National Honor Society Valedictorian Award in the amount of $250.
Salutatorian Clay Friel received the W. E. “Tweard” Blackhurst Award. The award, given by Robert Sheets, is in memory of Blackhurt, a noted conservationist, author and teacher.
Principal Francis LaBoun-ty recognized the honor graduates with a certificate and medals to be worn during commencement: Fredricah Gardner, Clay Friel, Dayla Lambert, Amanda Gibson, Wesley Felton, Haley Nelson, Francis LaBounty, Makeia Jonese, Linzi Myers, Hannah Nelson, Allison Jonese, Rachel McComb, Garrett McCurdy, Lorena Rose and Danielle Stuart.
Seniors with a GPA of 4.0 or higher are: Wesley Felton, Clay Friel, Fredricah Gardner, Amanda Gibson, Francis LaBounty, Dayla Lambert and Linzi Myers.
The $50 Orr Lee McMann Award is given to honor McMann for his dedicated service in teaching agricultural education at Marlinton High School and PCHS. Linda Stewart, a former colleague of McMann’s gives the award to an outstanding vocational agricultural student. Stewart’s daughter, Suzanne, presented the award to James Riley.
The David E. Smith Award of $100 is given in honor of Smith’s 39 years of service to the students of Pocahontas County. The award is given to a student for excellence in vocational education. Former recipient Timothy VanReenen presented the award to Lyndsee Gay.
The top science students of the class receive a $50 savings bond from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. GBT Chief Engineer Robert Anderson presented the bond to outstanding science students Fredricah Gardner and Clay Friel.
Students who earned three or more theatre credits were recognized: Shannen McClure, Rebekah Anderson, Emily Hefner and Matt Anderson.
Spanish teacher Mali Minter presented awards not given at the Foreign Language Festival earlier this month.
The Sombrero Award for excellence in promotion of Spanish was presented to Amanda Gibson and Makeia Jonese. Both have participated in and placed in cooking, recitation and posters in the past, and have had faithful attendance to all Spanish Club and Spanish Honor Society meetings.
Spanish Honor Society members presented cords to wear during commencement were: President Amanda Gibson, Vice President Fredricah Gardner, Secretary Makeia Jonese, Treasurer Clay Friel, Jessalyn Hamilton, Marka Kane, Linzi Myers and Danielle Stuart.
Future Business Leaders of America [FBLA] sponsor Cammy Kesterson recognized senior members of the business education club: Amanda Gibson, Ashley Kennison, Caleb Arbogast, Shelby Starks, Rachel McComb, Lorena Rose, Kara Lane, Fredricah Gardner and Clay Friel.
Kesterson also recognized senior members of the Yearbook Staff: editors Makeia Jonese, Kara Lane and Priscilla Grimes; Nicole Bennett, Chyanna Hall, Brooke Irvine, Kendra Hubbert, Elizabeth Kelley, Renae Jordan, Alex Kennison, Haley Nelson, Lilly Tracy, Shelby Starks and Bethany Arbogast.
Welding teacher Dervin Lambert recognized Fredricah Gardner for her success at the SkillsUSA state competition. Gardner was named state champion in welding art/sculpture and will represent PCHS at the national competition this June in Kansas City, Missouri.
The Global 21 Performance assessments are designed to judge student abilities to apply specific knowledge and research skills in a “hands-on” platform. Assessments often require the student to manipulate specialized equipment to solve a problem or make an analysis.
Students completing four classes in a specific career and technical field, and the assessments were recognized by LaBounty: Matthew Anderson, Bethany Arbogast, Karey Barb, Kody Burns, Tyler Channels, Josh Clark, Joseph Coy, Dustin Dilley, Austin Friel, Lyndsee Gay, Alexander Halterman, Anson Hatfield, Cody Himelrick, Kayla Hinkle, David Hoover, Renae Jordan, Ariel Lester, Ida Moyers, Molly Plaugher, Brady Potvin, Brittany Pritt, Seth Ramsey, James Riley, Tiffany Rogers, Devin Rose, Dustin Sharp and Alexandra Sisler.
Students receiving Work-Keys National Career Readiness Certificates were: Gold certificate, David Hoover. Silver Certificate: James Riley, Lyndsee Gay, Anson Hatfield, Seth Ramsey, Dustin Dilley, Tiffany Rogers, Cody Himelrick, Joseph Coy and Dustin Sharp. Bronze Certificate: Molly Plaugher, Bethany Arbogast, Alex Halterman, Renae Jordan and Brittany Pritt.
Scottish Rite awards were presented to Lyndsee Gay, Danielle Stuart, Sarah Worth, James Riley, Joseph Friel, Allie Erlewine and Marka Kane by the illustrious 33rd president of the Pocahontas County Scottish Rites Club, Jim VanRennan.
LaBounty recognized Lyndsee Gay for her service as student representative on the board of education.
The Promise Scholarship is presented to seniors planning to attend college in West Virginia and have attained a 3.0 GPA in core classes and have earned a composite score of 22 on the ACT and 20 in each of the sub-scores.
Governor Earl Ray Tomblin representative Lynn Phillips, Delegate Denise Campbell and Delegate Bill Hartman presented the Promise Scholarship to: Welsey Felton, Clay Friel, Fredricah Gardner, Amanda Gibson, Dayla Lambert, Garrett McCurdy, Andrew Morrison, Linzi Myers, Haley Nelson, Hannah Nelson, Lorena Rose and Sarah Worth.
Makeia Jonese received the board of education scholarship which was presented by board president Emery Grimes.
The Virgil and Macel Harris Scholarship, sponsored by the Durbin Lions Club, is given in memory of Virgil Harris, who served as principal at Green Bank High School for 25 years, and his wife, Macel, who taught in the county. Durbin Lions Club 2nd Vice President Suzanne Stewart presented the award to Fredricah Gardner.
The Associated Universities scholarship is a four-year competitive scholarship in the amount of $3,500 awarded to three children of employees located in the various AUI sites around the world. GBT Chief Engineer Robert Anderson presented the scholarship to Amanda Gibson.
The EQT Foundation and The State Journal began a scholarship to recognize and honor a high school senior who makes a difference in his/her school, community and state. The award was presented to Allison Jonese.
Dr. Rhonda Hamm presented the Willow Ridge Mental Health Awareness Scholarship to Joey Friel.
West Virginia Wesleyan College provides a wide array of scholarships and grants to students planning to attend the school. Wesley Felton received the Presidential Scholarship and UMC Partnership Award totaling $70,000 in scholarships.
Davis & Elkins College Assistant Director of Admissions Joey VanDevender presented scholarships totaling $411,200 to seven students: Clay Friel, Joey Friel, Emily Hefner, Makeia Jonese, Marka Kane, Alex Kennison and Shannen McClure.
West Virginia University presented several awards. The Shenandoah Scholarship, valued at $4,000 over four years of undergraduate study, was awarded to Andrew Morrison, Allison Jonese and Rachel McComb. The Engineering Achievement Scholarship of $6,000 over four years of study and the Rhododendron Scholarship in the amount of $12,000 over four years, were both presented to Fredricah Gardner.
The Vandalia Scholarship, valued at $8,000 over four years was awarded to Sarah Worth and the Mountaineer Scholarship, of $10,000 over four years was given to Lorena Rose.
Fairmont State University presents the Promise Beyond Scholarship to incoming freshman that meet Promise Scholarship criteria. The scholarship, valued at $1,556 per year for four years, was presented to Haley Nelson and Hannah Nelson.
Amanda Gibson received both the Presidential Scholarship and Mary Willis Marshall Honors Scholarship given by Marshall University.
Alderson Broaddus University awarded several scholarships: the Trustee Scholarship and Alderson Broaddus Scholarship for a total of $12,000 were given to Danielle Stuart. Kara Lane received the Dean Scholarship and Alderson Broaddus Scholarship, totaling $8,000. Also receiving the Alderson Broaddus Scholarship of $2,000 were Brooke Irvine and Tiffany Rogers.
West Liberty University presented the Academic Housing Scholarship of $2,000 to Dayla Lambert.
Linzi Myers received the President’s Merit Award, valued at $30,380 from Bridgewater College.
The Bland Memorial Scholarship of $500 is given in memory of Sr. Trooper Douglas Wayne Bland who lost his life serving the citizens of Pocahontas County. Autumn Bland presented the scholarship to Makeia Jonese.
The Loren Buzzard Scholarship is awarded to a PCHS senior interested in studying music or radio broadcasting. Loren was a member of the class of 2008 and served as a DJ at WVMR radio station. He died in a tragic car accident just weeks before graduation. His uncle, William “Dave” Buzzard, of New Castle, Virginia, established the scholarship in his honor. Loren’s mother, Diane, presented the award to Joey Friel.
Dr. Charles Glen Shinaberry and Dr. Mary Tabitha Moore Shinaberry Public Scholarship Trust was established to honor the years of service given to education by the Shinaberrys in Pocahontas and Randolph counties. Receiving the scholarship are: Clay Friel, Fredricah Gardner, Lyndsee Gay, Amanda Gibson, Allison Jonese, Makeia Jonese, Marka Kane, Francis LaBounty, Dayla Lambert, Rachel McComb, Linzi Myers, Haley Nelson, Hannah Nelson and James Riley.
Linzi Myers was presented the H.A. Yeager Scholarship. Yeager was a former principal of Marlinton High School.
The Dr. Roland P. Sharp Scholarship was established by its namesake to benefit students entering the fields of dentistry, veterinary medicine, agriculture or education. The $500 scholarship was presented to Francis LaBounty and Marka Kane.
The Seneca Woodlands Woman’s Club and the Marlinton Woman’s Club jointly give a scholarship to a young woman pursuing a four-year degree. The $300 renewable scholarship was presented to Amanda Gibson. Finalists Makeia Jonese and Danielle Stuart were also recognized.
The West Virginia Association of Conservation District Supervisors awards a $500 scholarship to students looking to further their education in agriculture, forestry and engineering at a West Virginia college or university. The Greenbrier Valley Conservation District Scholarship was presented to Lyndsee Gay.
Danielle Stuart received the Davis Medical Center and Auxiliary Scholarship, presented by Terry White.
C.C. White presented the Davis Health System Foundation Scholarship to Brooke Irvine.
The Raymond and Eva Shrader Scholarship was established by the Shrader Estate and honors a student in good academic standing. Linda Beverage presented the award to Lilly Tracy.
The Snowshoe Foundation is a nonprofit organization which has raised nearly one million dollars to support the community. Snowshoe Mountain Resort COO Frank DeBerry and Bill Jordan presented the foundation scholarship to Jessalyn Hamilton, Kara Lane, Rachel McComb, Dayla Lambert, Lorena Rose, Alex Kennison, Garrett McCurdy, Danielle Stuart, Makeia Jonese and Amanda Gibson.
The Pocahontas Community Club Scholarship was presented to Brooke Irvine.
Danielle Stuart received the Tucker Community Endowment Scholarship Fund which is given in memory of Dr. Joseph Stefl, a physician’s assistant in Pocahontas, Randolph and Tucker counties. The Tucker Community General Scholarship was presented by Linda Beverage.
The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation seeks to enrich the lives of those it serves by being a premier provider of charitable services for all citizens of the Greater Kanawha Valley Region. The math and science scholarship was presented to Fredricah Gardner.
Jennifer Barlow presented the Miss Pocahontas Pioneer Days Scholarships to Allie Erlewine and Danielle Stuart.
The Pocahontas County Convention and Visitors Bureau Scholarship was presented by Mary Snyder to Amanda Gibson.
The Hazel Dumire Barlow Scholarship is awarded to a student entering the medical or education field. It was presented to Marka Kane.
The Helen and Clark Brumagin Memorial Scholarship is presented to one male and one female. This year, it was presented to Rachel McComb and Alex Kennison.
The Beulah Moore Scholarship is provided by friends and co-workers of the late Beulah Moore, executive officer of the First National Bank. Receiving the scholarship was Jessalyn Hamilton.
The National Wildlife Turkey Federation established the Pocahontas Strutters Conservation Scholarship in memory of William Dilley. The scholarship was presented by Cully McCurdy to Lyndsee Gay.
The Alice Rowan Waugh Memorial Scholarship is given to honor the memory of this well-known educator. The scholarship, in the amount of $300, was presented to Lyndsee Gay.
The Greenbrier Valley Community Scholarship, presented by executive director Courtney Smith was given to Makeia Jonese.
The Emma Beard Memorial Scholarship is presented to students pursuing a degree in education. This year’s recipients were: Jennifer Fertig, Clay Friel, Joseph Friel, Kati Friel, Priscilla Grimes, Brooke Irvine, Makeia Jonese, Marka Kane, Elizabeth Kelley, Alex Kennison, Ashley Kennison, Kara Lane, Haley Nelson, Hannah Nelson, James Riley, Lorena Rose and Lilly Tracy.
Gay Shinaberry presented the Gay and Becky Shinaberry, and Beth Buck Scholarship to Dayla Lambert.
The 2014-2015 National Honor Society officers were installed by their predecessors: President Vincent Harper, Vice President Danielle Cain, Secretary Miles Goodall and Treasurer Phillip Green.
National Honor Society members were recognized for their achievements. Seniors members are: Wesley Felton, Jennifer Fertig, Clay Friel, Fredricah Gardner, Lyndsee Gay, Amanda Gibson, Priscilla Grimes, Jessalyn Hamilton, Makeia Jonese, Marka Kane, Elizabeth Kelley, Dayla Lambert, Kara Lane, Rachel McComb, Garrett McCurdy, Linzi Myers, Haley Nelson, Hannah Nelson, James Riley, Lorena Rose, Danielle Stuart and Sarah Worth.
Junior members are: Corinne Airgood, Chad Burns, Danielle Cain, Kindra Carr, Alyssa Dunbrack, Jessica Ervine, Miles Goodall, Phillip Green, Casondra Griffith, Vincent Harper, Natalie Hartzell, Kayla Lester, Alexandra Plate, Heather Pritt, Cary Robertson and David Rose.
The seniors recognized parents, family members, friends and scholarship/ award donors for their support of the class of 2014.
The event was sponsored by City National Bank, First Citizens Bank and Pendleton Community Bank.