Suzanne Stewart
Staff Writer
Mitchell Chevrolet recently held a test drive benefit for Pocahontas County High School’s athletic department and sophomore class.
Sales person Brian Tankersley said in celebration of its 50th anniversary, Mitchell’s wanted to do something special to support the school.
“We decided we were going to have a test drive challenge,” Tankersley said. “We wanted to get as many people in to test drive vehicles.”
In the course of 10 days, Mitchell’s had 50 test drivers participate in the event. For every test drive, Mitchell’s added money to the “till,” coming up with a total of $1,000.
“We didn’t expect anyone to come in and buy what they test drove,” Tankersley said. “We just wanted people to come. We had people come in that we would not have met before. I think we made some great contacts with people.”
With the success of the challenge, Mitchell Chevrolet plans to continue hosting challenges and events to benefit Pocahontas County Schools.
Suzanne Stewart may be cotnacted at sastewart@pocahontastimes.com