A personal note:
As I write this week, the Mayor’s Corner and the business of the Town seem distant, as I take in the recent passing of my mother. Next week, by God’s grace, I hope to be back in somewhat of a routine. But, I suspect things will never be quite the same.
Those of you who have lost your parents know what I mean. To those who still have your parents, let this be notice: Hug your loved ones. Love and appreciate family while you can and tell them so. The time passes so quickly. In the end, it really is all about family. I can tell you, even when you think you are ready – you are not ready.
The last few weeks spent with my mother gave me opportunity to think how she had cared for her family, her friends and especially her church-family. To the very end, she was as concerned about her church as she was her condition. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring.
What does help is knowing that she is in a better place today than you and I. Mom fought the good fight, she kept the faith. Dad may build the house, but, Mother makes the home, and I had a good home.
I cannot thank each of you enough for your expressions of compassion, support and condolences that I have received. The comforting words and actions of friends and acquaintances make all the difference.
To use the words of Shakespeare, “I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks…”