For 75 years, the Marlinton Rotary Club has worked to improve the community, support humanitarian efforts and encourage high ethical standards in business and professional fields. In 1939, Dr. John Davis became the group’s first president and John G. Beard, its first secretary. To celebrate the anniversary and the club’s numerous accomplishments, the Rotary Club held a dinner at Mountain Quest Inn in Frost last Tuesday evening.
Guests included District Governor Herb McClaugherty and Past District Governor Tom Greenstreet.
Following dinner, Greenstreet gave a slide presentation on his travels with other Rotarians in Ghana, working to provide clean drinking water for communities. For several decades, Rotary International has focused on the need for clean drinking water in developing countries. More than 80 percent of all sickness in the world is attributed to unsafe water. Nearly a billion people are without access to improved water sources and every eight seconds, a child dies because of this crisis.
Greenstreet reported on several Rotary well-drilling projects in Ghana, being completed in partnership with other non-governmental agencies. Rotary project wells have lasted longer than usual because Rotary and its partners teach villagers how to maintain the wells.
The highlight of the evening was the induction of three new members – Joe Smith, Linda Simmons and Donald Bechtel. Club President Emery Grimes introduced the new members and McClaugherty presented them with Rotary pins and plaques.
The Rotary adopted the Four-Way Test in 1943 to assist members with decision making in their professional and personal lives. The test has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways. It asks the following four questions: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
For information on joining the Marlinton Rotary Club, call Roger Trusler at 304-799-6495