The toughest part about being busy is that it makes it hard to say “thank you” as often as it needs to be said. In this, the last Mayor’s Corner of 2018, a few acknowledgements are in order.
In early October, St. John Neumann Catholic Church donated chairs to the Town of Marlinton. Thank You.
Thank you to those who put the October Pocahontas County High School parade and pep rally together.
Thank you to Mitchell Chevrolet for your contribution to the fantastic Christmas Parade.
Thank you to all who have taken part in the Visioning Marlinton sessions at the Wellness Center. Now the real work begins.
Meanwhile, to those complaining about junkyards in Town, I am as concerned as you are. Reasons that deal with the facts of the matter, are not excuses.
We know that illegally parked vehicles have been moved and illegally parked in other spots. Some moved away and found their way back. The Town continues to do all it can do, short of having vehicles towed. I have a couple of ideas. They have not come together. If you believe all you have to do is call a number, you are mistaken. Locating an owner and having a vehicle towed is a process, unless you are willing to pay the ultimate bill, which can become hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
The vehicle must be taken to a secure and properly licensed holding area.
Another issue with regard to these vehicles: Someone buys and scraps a vehicle purchased from another person who used to live here, but has moved. The new owner didn’t get the title from the previous owner and, when they moved, the vehicle is left on a property or on the street.
So, who pays the hundreds of dollars for storage. How do you scrap a vehicle without the title? The saga continues.
Now, we have a town policeman, but at the same time we are without a town attorney and municipal judge. People quit, and the process of rehiring and training does not make the situation any easier.
This is not a complaint. It is a fact.
But, 2019 is upon us, and I am excited about the many projects we hope to see happen in the new year. In between those projects will be compliance, other proposals, and always playing catch-up with a list of other good things that need attention.
To whom much is given – much is required.
Happy New Year!