Get ready. Daylight saving time will spring-forward at 2 a.m. Sunday morning. Be ready.
You already know scammers are active year-round. But, did you know, they especially love springtime. It is easy to understand why crooks love to dial you up. With auto dialers, shady operators can blast out robocalls by the millions, for just a few dollars a day. Estimates indicate some 59 million Americans lost money to a phone scam in the previous 12 months. BEWARE. According to FTC data, the median loss in scams “that start with a phone-call” is $1,200 – higher than any other method of contact.
I share this because towns are not exempt. About a month ago, I received a call from a residential-commercial builder from Alabama. He wanted me to provide leads that he could contact. Any individuals and/or businesses in (our) area needing construction services.
Remember – the phone can work both ways – meaning you can “goggle” anything in our day.
In about five minutes, I found out this individual, his partner and his company were charged with swindling customers dating back to 2017. Both had served jail time.
According to a separate article, this 55-year-old and his 59-year-old partner are presently charged with “felony false pretense after fraudulently obtaining $50,000 from victims” through another alleged business they formerly owned. An old ad-age remains true and should be applied here. “If it sounds too good to be true – it’s probably not true!”
Pay attention. To sum up how mixed-up things have become, I recently called my own residence from the Marlinton Town Office phone and my wife did not answer at first, because the number came up as a possible scam.
Regardless, I am still looking forward to springtime – and that’s the truth.