Is it just me? New Year’s Day was yesterday and now January is gone. Snowplowing was the main order of business early in the month. Frozen water pipes and sewer issues were made even more difficult during the zero-weather. But the good news is Marlinton was spared from a flood over the weekend and Punxsutawney-Phil says six weeks until spring. Life keeps moving, ready or not.
Sara Cottingham, Mon Forest Town Grant Writer has completed and submitted the CDBG Grant for the Downtown Trailhead Project. Thanks to Betsy at Region-4, and Marcus with The Thrasher Group for providing the information needed to complete a 276-page grant application. Residents should know The Conservation Fund (TFC) in corporation with the Rockefeller Philanthropy provided the funding for Sara’s support. To date, the town has contributed zero funding.
If the $500,000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is awarded, $25,000 of the County Commission funding will be used as the local share.
Remaining ARPA funds have been “obligated” to the sewer portion of the upcoming Town project. The idea being that this would be $171,604 dollars the town customers will not have to finance.
Four more properties within the Town of Marlinton were demolished during the month of January. The Hillside Apartment building being one of the four has changed the looks of Tenth Avenue as you turn off Rt. 39. There are plans being made for more to come in the spring or early summer.
Until next time…