For your information – The phone system at the Marlinton Town Office has been in and out of service at random periods this summer. When service for out-going calls was restored, there often remained an inability to accept incoming calls. While trying to address the issue of failure to receive incoming calls, we discovered voicemails have been lost in the system and remain unretrievable. It is a wonder to me that we have not had more complaints.
Regardless, the current town phone system is more than a decade old, and the issues have been consistent enough these last months, that a replacement phone system is in the works.
The updated system will have new features that should improve communication. For instance, the ability to transfer a call from the office to the water plant, and yet save monthly charges. Also, phone system representatives have assured the Town of a smooth transition that should be completed within the next 45 days.
Meanwhile, if you have called and left a message in the last two or three weeks, call again. We have not received your message. Remember you can go to the webpage at for a citizen concern form or email.
Again, we thank you for your patience.