I have a lot of topics to write about – some are in the planning stage, others are too early to comment on, and others that could fall flat before they materialize. So, I am making it easy on myself in this week’s Mayor’s Corner.
A big THANK-YOU to the Marlinton Woman’s Club and each of the volunteers who helped plant the flowers in the street planters this past weekend. Your work and dedication helps bring Main Street Marlinton to life.
Thanks to all involved in planning, placing and dedicating the Veterans Memorial on Saturday.
In closing, Mon Forest Towns will co-host a Sustainable Trails Workshop in July. Each Mon Forest Town will have the opportunity to send someone to participate. Some towns have active trail organizations and some do not.
If you have an interest in being involved in trail maintenance and/or construction, please RSVP to me at mayor@townofmarlinton wv.com and I will add your name to the list of potential volunteers.