Attitude or Perspective. Perspective or Attitude. It is all about both attitude and perspective.
Two men looked through prison bars.
One saw mud, the other stars.
Perspective depends on understanding the specifics of the matter. Attitude depends on how one or more set about addressing the specifics of the matter. Some may just want to belly-ache without concern for either.
The ad in last week’s edition of The Pocahontas Times suggested a new ordinance will set a monthly fee, because “Marlinton Town Council wants more money.”
The ad itself suggests a lack of understanding wrap-ped in a poor attitude about the little that may be understood. Why else jump to such a negative conclusion.
The fact of the matter is that after 16 community meetings and three open houses over a three-year period, the residents of the Town approved a list of concerns. On page 3-5 of the Town Comprehensive Plan, the #1 – that is the number one – Community Concern was to create a Safe Community.
Literally identified by the community resident surveys data, the residents related the following #1 Community Concern ( which is needed more now than ever):
Local law enforcement forms the backbone of the community policing and safety in Marlinton. One concern that was mentioned at the open house is the need to have a better police presence in town. The planning commission also noted, early in the comprehensive plan process, that not having our own police force in town was a concern. However, as of the summer of 2018, the town has hired a part-time police officer.
In the past, the town has had a formal agreement with the state police (costing the town $56,000 per year) to patrol and provide law enforcement services in town. The town needs to continue to work with other law enforcement agencies that can help provide supplemental services when needed.
Go to the Town of Marlinton website to read the rest of the plan. Neighborhood watch, live camera surveillance, lack of or insufficient lighting, vacant and dilapidated structures, were all identified as concerns during the comprehensive plan process.
Before the Comprehensive Plan was finally adopted in August 2019, the Town had already hired a part-time officer. From memory, the Town has hired approximately five other officers since then, and we are without an officer now.
Because we do not have the budget to support “what we say we want to do!”
Hence – the reason for the ordinance.
Hence – the reason for the monthly fee.
The issue will be discussed at the November meeting.