The Marlinton Town Council will be sworn in June 29 for the Years 2023-2027.
I, again, commend all candidates who willingly filed for a place on the ballot this year.
As the July 3 Marlinton Town Council meeting draws near, I encourage new council members to take a deep breath and understand that no one will be expected to come with a full understanding of what is going on.
I would be the first to recall taking much of the first year to get comfortable with most of the work.
I want to thank outgoing council members who thoughtfully put some potential items of business (on hold) anticipating that new council members should be involved in future decisions.
Some projects are in progress. Other projects are in a planning stage. Come with your questions. My intent is to be open for discussion. Everyone has a voice. Also, I hope to have committee assignments by the first meeting and intend to prepare a summary of projects this week for council members to help with “where we are and how we got here.”
Some plans will change as conditions change. Things happen. Situations arise. Priorities can shift. To move forward, it may take a new approach and/or a totally different idea to overcome obstacles. Being good stewards must be constant, while finding ways to bend and adjust for the benefit of all. Being accountable is to be expected.
“Fair, Truthful, Consistent” would be a great motto.
Where do you want to see us go?
A small town are always a work in progress.
The United States of America remains “a work in progress” and should be seen as such. Contrary to the view of many, we must be doing okay, in spite of poor decisions at the national level.
People risk their lives to escape from other countries. Here, in America, people swim rivers and climb fences to “get into” our country.
This should be reason enough to decide to have a Happy 4th of July at Discovery Junction, on the corner of Third Avenue and Ninth Street. Watch for details.
Let Freedom Ring.
May God bless Marlinton, and may God bless America.